
Oct 11, 2010

Myriorama Monday

myriorama ~ picture consisting of many interchangeable parts

Happy Turkey Day to my fellow Canadians!

Because of the number of family members coming from out of town, we had our official dinner yesterday. There were so many of us (29) that my mother-in-law rented a hall for us to eat in - it was actually handier because the kitchen had a huge stove and two microwaves for re-heating the food people brought, plus it had warming trays. The highlight of the dinner was getting a call from out west informing us that our family has increased by one more – a brand new great-niece.

I’m really loving my new computer and I got lots of work done on it last week, including writing. Thursday I designated writing day and did not think to keep track of how many words I managed – but I was very pleased with the results. Hopefully this means I’m getting back into my writing groove.

All my blog posts were written and up on time for a change, and I even managed to get some blog reading/commenting in.

Brace yourselves, I have some disturbing news. I have already settled on the subject for my NaNo. *gasp!* This is kind of scary because I’m usually more of a ‘decide at the last minute’ sort of gal. Two years ago I wasn’t even going to participate and then out of nowhere a story idea hit me. For me to have even an inkling of an idea this far in advance is unheard of!

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: This being the month of October, I thought it was an appropriate time to start my new series on superstitions.

Wednesday: A new hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: This week’s Passion for Poetry is the Yama.

Friday: Chapter 59 of the Space Opera. Uh, oh. What did Vida see on the monitor?

Elsewhere in my week:

No meetings this week, but there is a reading of poetry and prose on Thursday that I’m going to try and get to.

I did well writing-wise last week and I’d like to do even better this week. I’m a couple of chapters ahead in Space Opera, so this week I’d like to get back to work on Forever and For Always.

As for my personal goals . . . I was able to manage getting up earlier, but I didn’t manage to include exercise in my daily routine. Maybe this week.

I caught up on a couple of the partially read books I had on the go, and I need to update my reading challenge list. I keep falling behind on the updates – I’ve got at least 15 books to add to the list.

Speaking of books, I need to start working on my book database again too. I think I did two shelves of one bookcase in my office before slacking off. There’s six bookcases in my office alone – fourteen in the house. Fifteen if I get up to Wal-Mart tomorrow. :-)

And that’s pretty much it for me this week. How about you? What are you up to?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you - sounds like it was a wonderful time. :-) And woohoo on the new computer and more writing time! Words are good, for sure.

    New series on superstitions sounds very interesting - I'll be looking forward to it.

    And yay on the NaNo idea so soon! The big question is, will you actually plan it, or "pants" it? Hmm...

    I am determined to get my revisions done this week, even in the midst of the Halloween madness. Those are my top two priorities at this point. Can't wait for November and NaNo... ;-)

  2. Now that I've got my idea, I can't wait for November either. :-)

    To outline or not to outline, that is the question! Last year it was all in my head, which encouraged me to get the story down quickly before I forgot it.

    I think if I do an outline this year, it will just be a point form list type just so I don't forget what I want to have happen.
