
Mar 28, 2011

Micromania Monday

micromania ~ pathological self-deprecation or belief that one is very small

If you missed the piece I did for the 30 minutes of free-writing with the Scribes, you can find it HERE. It will also be featured in the Northumberland Scribes online magazine, if when we get it finished.

Earth Day was on the weekend, which made last week’s Guest Post on Living Green even more appropriate. I’d like to thank Samantha Harris once again for her words of wisdom.

I can now make calls on my cell phone. I might even be able to answer calls, I don’t know yet ‘cause no one’s called me. :-) . Still can’t access my voice mail because I need Telus to reset my password.

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Time for a new series. Only I’m not sure what the series will be about. I have a couple of ideas and I can’t decide which one I’m going to start with. So I think Tuesday we’ll have a poll and you can vote for the one you like best.

Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: The poetry form this week will be the Kimo.

Friday: Chapter 17 of Fire. Poor Rayne, all revved up and Pyre doesn’t appear to want to co-operate. What’s she going to do about it?

Elsewhere in my week:

It seems to be feast or famine with me, doesn’t it? Last week I was busy as all get out, and this week . . . nothing. No meetings, no freelance work, no place to go. At least not so far. It’s only Monday and you never know what the rest of the week will bring.

A couple of carry-overs from last week:
I think I’m behind on my e-mail again, so I’ll need to make an effort to catch up on that
Get the password changed on my cell phone so I can access my voice mail. And while I’m at it I should figure out how that text-messaging works.
The taxes really need to get done. Have I mentioned how much I hate taxes?

I just want to say that Jamie DeBree is a BAD INFLUENCE! First it was posting on a regular basis, then it was starting an on-line serial, now it’s exercise! I’ve been reading her new blog Body In Motion and it’s made me start thinking bad thoughts, like, it’s time to get off my lazy butt and get some exercise. So this week one of my goals will be to either walk or row every day.

And all you slackers out there who, like me, whine about “one of these days” or “I don’t have the time”, I say phooey! Jamie has something like 8 blogs, a website, 3 on-line serials on the go (each of which have two instalments a week), a day job, other writing projects, and a house, a husband, and two dogs to look after. I don’t know whether to be inspired or appalled. :-)

Okay, I think I’ll be inspired. Come on everyone, let’s get moving. We have nothing to lose but our fat! Let me know how it works out for you.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, I'm appalled. Appalled, I tell you! LOL Glad you're inspired though... ;-)

    I'm putting my taxes off until this weekend. You know - two weeks before they're due...

    Good luck with your week - looks like you'll have plenty of writing time, eh? :-)
