Sep 26, 2012
Sep 25, 2012
Cheeses of the World - Part Ten
Monterey Jack
Monterey Jack is a semi-hard American cows' milk cheese from California. The softer types, aged for only about a month, have a mild, buttery flavour and are a light creamy or white colour. Aged varieties, also know as dry Jack, have a firm texture and a sharp, fuller flavour.
It is widely believed that Monterey Jack is descended from the semi-hard cheeses made by the Romans, who passed the recipe on to Spanish Franciscan friars. When some of these friars immigrated to Mexico, in an area that later became California, they brought their cheese-making skills with them and taught cheese-making to local farmers. From here the story of how the cheese became known as Monterey Jack is a little fuzzy.
Some believe a woman named Doña Juana Cota de Boronda developed the cheese and sold it to a man named David Jack, whose name was used to market it. Others agree that while Doña de Boronda may have developed this cheese, it got its name from the cheese press she used called a jack. And still others believe that David Jacks was a cheese maker in California who mass marketed a cheese that was known as Jack's Monterey cheese, which eventually became Monterey Jack.
A fascinating essay on the true origins of this cheese can be found HERE. Another very well thought out article concerning the origins of Monterey Jack can be found HERE as well.
Monterey Jack is produced in small wheels, usually around eight pounds. They're soaked in brine for several days and then air-dried. The softer types are aged for one to two months while the firmer types are aged for six months to a year.
One of the unique properties of this cheese is its low levels of tyramine, which is the compound found in most cheeses that's associated with headaches. For this reason Monterey Jack is recommended for migraine sufferers.
There are many different varieties of Monterey Jack. It's sometimes combined with Colby to make Colby-Jack. Different peppers can be added during processing to create Pepper Jack or Jalepeño Jack. There's also an aged version known as Dry Jack that can be grated and used in much the same way as Parmesan.
Monterey Jack can be used in toasted cheese sandwiches, soufflés, salads, omelettes, pasta, rice, soups or tacos. It also goes well with fruit and wine, or all by itself. Of course, you can also enjoy it by itself.
San Antonio Chicken Roll Ups
Black Bean and Corn With Monterey Jack Cheese Salad
Mexican Cheddar-Monterey Jack Cheese Dip
Quiche Supreme Salsa Chicken Meatloaf
Monterey Pasta Bake Spicy Chipotle Turkey Wraps
Amarillo Cheese Fries
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Taco Casserole
Jack Baked Eggs
Monterey Fish Pie
If you'd like to try making Monterey Jack Cheese at home, you can find detailed, step-by-step instructions HERE.
I also found a really great 20 minute video of the process at Grow and Make, which also sells kits for making cheese.
If you're in the U.S. you can purchase your Monterey Jack Cheese on-line from the Vella Cheese Company
In Canada you can purchase it from our friends at Springbank Cheese
Sep 24, 2012
Multivolent Monday
multivolent ~ having several differing opinions; disagreeing
If it's all the same to you, I'd like to pretend that last week never happened. It was a bad week mentally, physically, and writing-wise. Part of it was due to the change in seasons - I always go through these weird spells when the seasons change, and I was happy to learn that I'm not the only one. Misery loves company and all that. :-)
I did have fun the one day doing research on Medieval dungeons . . . and not only did I get a new form of poetry explored with an original example, but I got it posted on time as well. My other posts - cheese and serials - were seriously late.
You may not believe this, but it drives me nuts when I don't get a post up on time. And I don't know why, it's not like there's a law that says my posts must appear at 8 a.m. on the dot. It's more of a self-imposed thing I guess.
Wednesday one of my writing buddies and I spent the day making a three part display showcasing our writer's group for Saturday's book launch, and I spent a considerable amount of time on Friday doing one for the progressive stories, the idea being to encourage the audience at the book launch to write a sentence or two on one or more of the five different genres we had opening lines for. I also got a bunch of bookmarks made to promote our group.
The book launch itself was poorly organized and a little disappointing. I'm not sure how many books the author sold, but I don't think it was many.
The weather is still acting very crazy here. Bright and sunny for the most part but one day it'll be cold and the next warm. A couple of days I've been driven to wearing socks and last night I did something I haven't done since May - I closed the window of my office for the night.
On the organizational front I'm going to try daily lists this week. Last week I half-heartedly made out a couple of master lists of things I need/want to get done, so this week I need to refine those lists and fit them into my schedule. There are things that need to be done on a daily basis, and things on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Last week as well I tried another couple of teas out of my sampler from Adagio teas - Yunnan Noir and Yunnan Jig. The first pot I made was a little strong, but the next one I made I used less leaves and I really enjoyed the results. If I took milk and sugar in my tea, I might like the strong ones better, but I got out of the habit years ago and the only tea I like doctored up is Chai tea. Which will be this week's sample. If I remember to go get some milk. :-)
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Nor did I investigate why it appears that I have two accounts with them. I think the reason I've been putting it off is because I want to review the books as I update, and that's going to be time consuming because I've read a lot of books since my last update.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the tenth installment of Cheeses of the World, Monterey Jack. There will be a book review on Random Writings this week, a book of poetry I've just finished.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Seventy of Shades of Errol Flynn. I'd really like to know how Jessica's friends are going to break her out of the dungeon. No, seriously! Anyone got any ideas? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-five of Water (on Random Thoughts). Well the breeding had to happen sooner or later, I wonder how Ravi feels now that it's over? ;-)
Friday On Random Writings I'm going to predict that I will once again have a new poetry form for you. And at this point I foresee no obstacles to prevent me from getting a flash done for Random Thoughts. But you never know what the week may bring. :-)
If it's all the same to you, I'd like to pretend that last week never happened. It was a bad week mentally, physically, and writing-wise. Part of it was due to the change in seasons - I always go through these weird spells when the seasons change, and I was happy to learn that I'm not the only one. Misery loves company and all that. :-)
I did have fun the one day doing research on Medieval dungeons . . . and not only did I get a new form of poetry explored with an original example, but I got it posted on time as well. My other posts - cheese and serials - were seriously late.
You may not believe this, but it drives me nuts when I don't get a post up on time. And I don't know why, it's not like there's a law that says my posts must appear at 8 a.m. on the dot. It's more of a self-imposed thing I guess.
Wednesday one of my writing buddies and I spent the day making a three part display showcasing our writer's group for Saturday's book launch, and I spent a considerable amount of time on Friday doing one for the progressive stories, the idea being to encourage the audience at the book launch to write a sentence or two on one or more of the five different genres we had opening lines for. I also got a bunch of bookmarks made to promote our group.
The book launch itself was poorly organized and a little disappointing. I'm not sure how many books the author sold, but I don't think it was many.
The weather is still acting very crazy here. Bright and sunny for the most part but one day it'll be cold and the next warm. A couple of days I've been driven to wearing socks and last night I did something I haven't done since May - I closed the window of my office for the night.
On the organizational front I'm going to try daily lists this week. Last week I half-heartedly made out a couple of master lists of things I need/want to get done, so this week I need to refine those lists and fit them into my schedule. There are things that need to be done on a daily basis, and things on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
Last week as well I tried another couple of teas out of my sampler from Adagio teas - Yunnan Noir and Yunnan Jig. The first pot I made was a little strong, but the next one I made I used less leaves and I really enjoyed the results. If I took milk and sugar in my tea, I might like the strong ones better, but I got out of the habit years ago and the only tea I like doctored up is Chai tea. Which will be this week's sample. If I remember to go get some milk. :-)
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Nor did I investigate why it appears that I have two accounts with them. I think the reason I've been putting it off is because I want to review the books as I update, and that's going to be time consuming because I've read a lot of books since my last update.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the tenth installment of Cheeses of the World, Monterey Jack. There will be a book review on Random Writings this week, a book of poetry I've just finished.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Seventy of Shades of Errol Flynn. I'd really like to know how Jessica's friends are going to break her out of the dungeon. No, seriously! Anyone got any ideas? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-five of Water (on Random Thoughts). Well the breeding had to happen sooner or later, I wonder how Ravi feels now that it's over? ;-)
Friday On Random Writings I'm going to predict that I will once again have a new poetry form for you. And at this point I foresee no obstacles to prevent me from getting a flash done for Random Thoughts. But you never know what the week may bring. :-)
Sep 20, 2012
Post Delay
My sincerest apologies but due to extreme tiredness I did not get today's installment of Water written last night. I'll type my little fingers to the bone to get it up for you later today though.
Sep 19, 2012
Sep 18, 2012
Cheeses of the World - Part Eight
As with many cheese products, Brie gets its name from the place it originated, in this case Reuil-en-Brie, situated about 60 miles south of Paris.
Approximately 6.6 gallons of unpasteurized cow's milk are needed to make one round of Brie. This soft cheese has a smooth sweet taste with hints of hazelnut and fruit. Brie comes in the form of a wheel and is off-white in color, with a smooth, creamy inside surrounded by a whitish rind that is typically eaten along with the inside.
Legend has it that during his reign in the 8th century, the French Emperor, Charlemagne, stopped at a monastery in Reuil-en-Brie where he tasted, and fell in love with, the soft creamy cheese he was served for dinner. He is said to have ordered large quantities to be shipped to him, causing an increase in production that lasted through the centuries. He apparently wasn't the only French aristocrat with a taste for Brie. It's also rumored that King Louis XVI's dying wish was to have one last taste of Brie.
The curd in Brie making is obtained by adding rennet to raw milk and heating it. Molds are filled with several thin layers of cheese and drained for about eighteen hours. The cheese is then taken out of the molds, salted, injected with a cheese mould, then aged in a cellar for at least four to five weeks. If left to mature longer, from several months to a year, it becomes stronger in flavour and taste. The cheese develops a white mould around it and the creamy part turns to a light straw color.
There are now many varieties of Brie made all over the world, including plain Brie, herbed varieties, double and triple Brie and versions of Brie made with other types of milk. But the only true Brie must come from France where there are only five or six real Brie producers left. It has a very fragile curd that is easily broken and requires a special room built only for the use of making Brie. It has to maintain just the right temperature or the maturation process will not work. This makes Brie hard to make and evidently requires quite an investment.
Serving Brie
Brie is usually purchased either in a full wheel or as a wheel segment no more than an inch thick. The white rind of the cheese is completely edible, and should be eaten along with the soft inside as a whole, although it's quite easy to trim off if you prefer not to eat it.
Care should be taken when purchasing Brie. Underripe Brie will feel hard when gently pressed with your finger, while overripe Brie will feel too soft and runny to the touch and have a distinct smell of ammonia. The exterior should be firm, while the center should be springy but not watery.
Ripened Brie should be refrigerated and eaten within a few days. It stops aging once it's sliced so if it's not ripe enough when you cut into it, it's not going to change. Ripe, uncut Brie can be frozen for up to six months.
It should be brought to room temperature or warmed before being eaten. It can be served alone with crackers or along with other cheeses and is a key ingredient to many appetizers.
Brie-stuffed Chicken Breasts Recipe
Sausage, Pepper, Brie & Pine Nuts in Puff Pastry Recipe
Spicy Roast Beef & Brie Panini Recipe
Upscale Cuban Panini Sandwiches Recipe
Brie Cranberry and Chicken Pizza
Baked Chicken and Brie
Salmon with Mango and Brie
Apple, Brie and Walnut Salad
Asparagus with Brie
Brie and Mandarin Salad
Linguine with Spinach and Brie
Pear and Brie Quesadillas
Salmon with Mango and Brie
Since Brie is traditionally made in France, and requires a large investment to start, it has not been recommended or advised, to make at home. Brie requires special rooms and cooking practices that only a mass producer, would go through the trouble for. You can, however, purchase Brie online at Springbank Cheese.
Sep 17, 2012
Mendiloquence Monday
mendiloquence ~ artful lying
Considering I didn't do a book review (because believe it or not I didn't have time to finish reading a book) and I also skipped my flash fiction (too busy working on the poem for my poetry post), and I was late with both my serial posts, you might wonder why I consider last week a good week. You know, I kind of wonder too. But I think, for me, it was the head space I was in.
I'm slowly getting myself organized and I think that's why it's sticking this time. Normally I'm all about getting it done and over with as quickly as possible, but this time I'm taking my time to figure things out. Baby steps, it's all about the baby steps.
One of the bonuses of becoming more organized is my increasing ability to resist games. Those of you on Facebook may have noticed I was on Castleville a few times, but this was a reward for after I'd gotten things done. During the day I just don't feel as inclined to seek out those mindless games.
The weather has cooled off considerably. In the space of a couple of days we've gone from still needing the fan on in the bedroom to needing a blanket on the bed. The days, for the most part, have been bright and sunny, but cooler. This is my favourite time of year!
My big job for the weekend was organizing my poetry. I have a poetry reading coming up in November and I really want to have a poetry book ready to launch for it. So it occurred to me it's mid-September and I should get on it.
I don't know what the heck is going on with the progressive stories for my Scribes group. Including the one I started, I've participated in eight out of fourteen so far. They were supposed to be done by now so that we could have them printed out and bound (just a claw binding) to sell for a pittance. As far as I know, only the first one is completely done, and it was done before we came up with the idea to have multiple stories on the go.
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Nor did I investigate why it appears that I have two accounts with them. I think the reason I've been putting it off is because I want to review the books as I update, and that's going to be time consuming.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the ninth installment of Cheeses of the World, Brie. There will be no book review on Random Writings this week. I've got three or four on the go, and I doubt I'll be finishing any of them in time to review it for tomorrow.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-nine of Shades of Errol Flynn. Looks like Jessica's headed for the dungeon. Is this the end for her? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-four of Water (on Random Thoughts). It's funny how some characters are more uninhibited than others when it comes to sharing. We'll have to see how much Ravi is willing to share. ;-)
Friday Two in a row, can I make it a three-peat? A the very least I should be able to come up with a new poem or two for Random Writings. As much as I wish it were otherwise, I will probably, once again, not get a flash done for Random Thoughts.
Aside from all this and my regular writing/editing, this week I'll also be working on a display for the Northumberland Scribes for a book launch on Saturday. I'll also be designing some bookmarks to give out during this event. As well, I've got a short story challenge to work on. Hmm. I have until the 24th for the short story, if I can get it done by Friday maybe there'll be a flash this week after all. ;-)
Considering I didn't do a book review (because believe it or not I didn't have time to finish reading a book) and I also skipped my flash fiction (too busy working on the poem for my poetry post), and I was late with both my serial posts, you might wonder why I consider last week a good week. You know, I kind of wonder too. But I think, for me, it was the head space I was in.
I'm slowly getting myself organized and I think that's why it's sticking this time. Normally I'm all about getting it done and over with as quickly as possible, but this time I'm taking my time to figure things out. Baby steps, it's all about the baby steps.
One of the bonuses of becoming more organized is my increasing ability to resist games. Those of you on Facebook may have noticed I was on Castleville a few times, but this was a reward for after I'd gotten things done. During the day I just don't feel as inclined to seek out those mindless games.
The weather has cooled off considerably. In the space of a couple of days we've gone from still needing the fan on in the bedroom to needing a blanket on the bed. The days, for the most part, have been bright and sunny, but cooler. This is my favourite time of year!
My big job for the weekend was organizing my poetry. I have a poetry reading coming up in November and I really want to have a poetry book ready to launch for it. So it occurred to me it's mid-September and I should get on it.
I don't know what the heck is going on with the progressive stories for my Scribes group. Including the one I started, I've participated in eight out of fourteen so far. They were supposed to be done by now so that we could have them printed out and bound (just a claw binding) to sell for a pittance. As far as I know, only the first one is completely done, and it was done before we came up with the idea to have multiple stories on the go.
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Nor did I investigate why it appears that I have two accounts with them. I think the reason I've been putting it off is because I want to review the books as I update, and that's going to be time consuming.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the ninth installment of Cheeses of the World, Brie. There will be no book review on Random Writings this week. I've got three or four on the go, and I doubt I'll be finishing any of them in time to review it for tomorrow.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-nine of Shades of Errol Flynn. Looks like Jessica's headed for the dungeon. Is this the end for her? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-four of Water (on Random Thoughts). It's funny how some characters are more uninhibited than others when it comes to sharing. We'll have to see how much Ravi is willing to share. ;-)
Friday Two in a row, can I make it a three-peat? A the very least I should be able to come up with a new poem or two for Random Writings. As much as I wish it were otherwise, I will probably, once again, not get a flash done for Random Thoughts.
Aside from all this and my regular writing/editing, this week I'll also be working on a display for the Northumberland Scribes for a book launch on Saturday. I'll also be designing some bookmarks to give out during this event. As well, I've got a short story challenge to work on. Hmm. I have until the 24th for the short story, if I can get it done by Friday maybe there'll be a flash this week after all. ;-)
Sep 12, 2012
Sep 11, 2012
Cheeses of the World - Part Seven
Swiss Cheese
I don't know about you, but when I think about Swiss cheese I envision little cartoon mice hiding in the holes of a block of cheese. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that not all Swiss cheese has holes in it, and in fact the term Swiss Cheese is a generic name for several varieties of cheese originally made in Switzerland. You can find Swiss cheese, which is made from cow's milk, in hard, semi hard, extra hard, semi soft, and soft varieties and there are some 450 different kinds of it. I'm only exploring the most common eight. :-)
The Swiss cheese we are most familiar with is actually called Emmentaler or Emmental, and came from the Emme River Valley. It's a pale yellow cheese riddled with holes that are known as "eyes" that are a result of the release of carbon dioxide during the maturation process. Emmental is thought to be Switzerland's oldest cheese, and is one of the largest cheeses in the world, using 262 gallons of cow's milk to make a 200 pound wheel of cheese. It's aged at least 4 to 5 months, and becomes fully mature after 7 to 12 months.
You may also be somewhat familiar with the second most popular variety of Swiss cheese, which is Gruyére. It's a hard cheese that's produced mainly in the French speaking region of Switzerland. It's used mainly in cooking because of its mild taste and it melts quite easily. It's aged from 10 to 12 months and has a brownish rind. It's also a pale yellow cheese, but the holes in it are much smaller than those of the Emmental. It's commonly made into 100 pound wheels and is sold by the wedge.
Sbrinz is the hardest of all Swiss cheeses and is often mistaken for Parmesan cheese. It's thought to be the oldest cheese made in Europe (not just Switzerland) dating back to 70 A.D. To be considered Sbrinz, the cheese must be aged for 18 months, but the full flavour doesn't develop until after 24 to 30 months.
Appenzellar originates in the Appenzell region of Switzerland. It's a semi-hard cheese that is soaked in a brine of herbs with wine or cider vinegar. An estimated 75 dairies make this cheese, each with a different recipe for the brine wash. This straw coloured cheese has a distinctive spicy flavour which changes with the amount of time its aged, anywhere from three to six months.
Schabziger cheese was first manufactured by the monks in Glarus, in the 8th century. Unlike most cheeses, this one is made with skim milk, making it very low in fat. During processing the herb blue fenugreek is added which gives it a pale green colour and a strong flavour. It's pressed into cones for six to eight days and then is aged for two to six months.
Tete de Moine, once known as Bellebay, in honour of the monastery where it was made, is a strong tasting, pungent cheese, the strongest flavoured of all the Swiss Cheeses. It's a firm cheese that starts out as a creamy, straw yellow, darkening as it ages. It's aged from four to six months in one of only nine dairies registered to make it.
Raclette is a light yellow, softer Swiss cheese that is named for the way it is most often prepared. Raclette, the dish, is made by heating the cheese then scraping off the melted part (racler in French). It's then served with small potatoes or spread onto crackers. It takes between three and six months for this cheese to mature into its full, fragrant and creamy texture.
Jarlsberg is actually from Norway, and is often used as a substitute for Emmental. It's a mild, buttery and slightly sweet cheese with a semi-firm yellow interior surround by a yellow wax rind. It is distinguished by medium to large holes and is aged from twelve to fifteen months.
If you'd like to try and make your own Swiss cheese you're a braver soul than I. There seems to be a lot more to the process than with the other cheeses I've explored so far. The best recipe comes from, How to Make Swiss Cheese. Cultures of Health also have a good recipe for making Swiss Cheese. There seems to be a lot of pressing involved.
If you'd rather watch a video, I found this is very interesting video by the Discovery Channel on the making of Swiss Cheese.
And here's another video on making Swiss cheese, right from milking the cow to taking a sample after it's been aged three months. There's no narration, but it's interesting anyway.
Cheesy Breakfast Strata
Four Cheese Pate
Swiss and Cream Cheese Ball
Cheese and Mustard Bread
Bacon and Egg Pudding
Reuben Wraps
Chicken Swiss Cheese Bake
Broccoli and Swiss Cheese Quiche
Zucchini and Swiss Cheese
Swiss Cheese Potatoes
Swiss Cheese Recipes Index
has a plethora of recipes to check out. All Recipes is another good place to look
Sep 10, 2012
Medusiform Monday
medusiform ~ resembling a jellyfish
One of the things I really like about my new lap top (which I'll probably keep calling my "new" lap top until at least the new year) is that when I boot it up in the morning, I have to ask it before it'll connect to the internet (I do this by pressing the Fn and F12 keys simultaneously). The reason I like this feature is that I have to make a conscious effort to go online. Once I do, of course, I start getting distracted (email, Facebook, Facebook, email, GAMES!) So if I need to focus on what I'm doing, it's so much easier for me to just turn the internet off, rather than to trust myself to ignore that little blue E that tempts me into procrastination.
Weather-wise, last week started out rainy and muggy, but ended with rainy and cooler. I think we got the tail end of one of those hurricanes that have been lurking around the U.S. because Saturday we had a terrific wind storm. And the torrential rain, with the accompanying thunder and lightning, came from the south, which is really unusual for us. Most of our storms come from the north. In any case, Sunday not only did I not have to use the air conditioner, I didn't even turn on the fans. Let's hear it for Fall!
At the time I didn't think I got a lot accomplished last week, but looking back I realize that I actually did. I didn't do my flash piece (just wasn't inspired) but I did do all my other posts, including a poetry post with a new form. Be still my heart. Granted it was a little late getting up there, but still . . .
As well I did my part for three of the fourteen progressive stories my writer's group has going on, edited a story for an anthology, and received back the edits on my own story. It's funny how when the shoe is on the other foot how much it pinches. :-)
Friday morning I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I cleaned out the downstairs bathroom. Now before you go judging me, let me explain. The downstairs bathroom is not a fully functioning bathroom. You can't use the sink because the taps don't work right and the drain pipe is not attached to anything. Also, the tiles are falling into the tub, which is already in rough shape from when we (and by we I mean my husband) tried to re-enamel it himself. Also, we had one of the kitty litter pans in there. So pretty much the only thing that works in there is the toilet, sort of. I'm sure you remember my story about the toilet pretending to be a bidet?
Anyway, I had a couple of writing friends coming over Friday afternoon, and one of them has MS so she can't climb the stairs to the "good" bathroom. So I move the kitty litter into the work room and cleaned up the bathroom so it didn't look like it should be condemned. And just so you know, when I say I haven't cleaned the bathroom recently I mean I haven't dusted the sink and tub area or washed the floors. I do clean out the toilet itself. :-)
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Anybody on Facebook sign up for the Goodreads ap on there? I don't know what I did, but it appears that I started a new Goodreads account. It says I've read zero books and I only have a handful of friends. So I guess that's something I'll be investigating before I do any updating.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the eighth installment of Cheeses of the World, Swiss Cheese. On Random Writings I will be doing a review of a book, I'm just not sure at this point which book.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-eight of Shades of Errol Flynn. So, how's Jessica going to get out of this one, or is she? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-three of Water (on Random Thoughts) where we see what new twist I can come up with to put off Ravi's breeding. ;-)
Friday I did it once, can I do it again? Come up with a new form for Random Writings? On Random Thoughts we'll see if I'm up for a new flash fiction.
One of the things I really like about my new lap top (which I'll probably keep calling my "new" lap top until at least the new year) is that when I boot it up in the morning, I have to ask it before it'll connect to the internet (I do this by pressing the Fn and F12 keys simultaneously). The reason I like this feature is that I have to make a conscious effort to go online. Once I do, of course, I start getting distracted (email, Facebook, Facebook, email, GAMES!) So if I need to focus on what I'm doing, it's so much easier for me to just turn the internet off, rather than to trust myself to ignore that little blue E that tempts me into procrastination.
Weather-wise, last week started out rainy and muggy, but ended with rainy and cooler. I think we got the tail end of one of those hurricanes that have been lurking around the U.S. because Saturday we had a terrific wind storm. And the torrential rain, with the accompanying thunder and lightning, came from the south, which is really unusual for us. Most of our storms come from the north. In any case, Sunday not only did I not have to use the air conditioner, I didn't even turn on the fans. Let's hear it for Fall!
At the time I didn't think I got a lot accomplished last week, but looking back I realize that I actually did. I didn't do my flash piece (just wasn't inspired) but I did do all my other posts, including a poetry post with a new form. Be still my heart. Granted it was a little late getting up there, but still . . .
As well I did my part for three of the fourteen progressive stories my writer's group has going on, edited a story for an anthology, and received back the edits on my own story. It's funny how when the shoe is on the other foot how much it pinches. :-)
Friday morning I did something I haven't done in a very long time. I cleaned out the downstairs bathroom. Now before you go judging me, let me explain. The downstairs bathroom is not a fully functioning bathroom. You can't use the sink because the taps don't work right and the drain pipe is not attached to anything. Also, the tiles are falling into the tub, which is already in rough shape from when we (and by we I mean my husband) tried to re-enamel it himself. Also, we had one of the kitty litter pans in there. So pretty much the only thing that works in there is the toilet, sort of. I'm sure you remember my story about the toilet pretending to be a bidet?
Anyway, I had a couple of writing friends coming over Friday afternoon, and one of them has MS so she can't climb the stairs to the "good" bathroom. So I move the kitty litter into the work room and cleaned up the bathroom so it didn't look like it should be condemned. And just so you know, when I say I haven't cleaned the bathroom recently I mean I haven't dusted the sink and tub area or washed the floors. I do clean out the toilet itself. :-)
I did not get my Goodreads updated last week. Anybody on Facebook sign up for the Goodreads ap on there? I don't know what I did, but it appears that I started a new Goodreads account. It says I've read zero books and I only have a handful of friends. So I guess that's something I'll be investigating before I do any updating.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the eighth installment of Cheeses of the World, Swiss Cheese. On Random Writings I will be doing a review of a book, I'm just not sure at this point which book.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-eight of Shades of Errol Flynn. So, how's Jessica going to get out of this one, or is she? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-three of Water (on Random Thoughts) where we see what new twist I can come up with to put off Ravi's breeding. ;-)
Friday I did it once, can I do it again? Come up with a new form for Random Writings? On Random Thoughts we'll see if I'm up for a new flash fiction.
Sep 5, 2012
Sep 4, 2012
Cheeses of the World - Part Seven
Oka Cheese
Oka cheese comes from Quebec, Canada. It's a pale, soft cheese made from cow's milk and is usually a creamy or pale yellow in colour. The taste is described as mellow and buttery, with a hint of nuttiness or fruitiness. The flavour evolves during the aging process, which is usually anywhere from one to two months.
In the early 1880's, five Trappist monks established a monastery near Oka, Quebec. All Trappist monasteries were expected to support themselves, but it was a struggle for the monks. In 1893, Brother Alphonse Juin was sent from the Bellefontaine Abbey in France, where the monks had originated from, with a recipe for Port-du-Salut cheese in the hopes that this would help the monks. He made some adjustments to the original recipe, creating a unique cheese that won first place in the Montreal Exhibition that same year.
Rarely will you find Oka cheese smoked, layered, or flavoured. In fact, while most cheeses come in many varieties, Oka is available in only four types: Regular, which is made from both raw and pasteurized cow's milk and aged for four weeks; Classic, which is made from unpasteurized milk and is aged for two months; Light, which is much like the Regular Oka, except the milk is always pasteurized and the cheese is lower in fat; and Providence, which is creamier and softer than Regular Oka.
The aging of this cheese is done in refrigerated cellars. The rounds of cheese are placed on wooden slats and periodically turned and hand washed in a weak brine. The rind of the Oka cheese can range from straw-coloured to coppery-orange.
To bring out the best in Oka cheese, you should let it sit for twenty minutes at room temperature. It can be eaten with or without the rind. Store your leftover Oka in aluminum foil, in a warm spot in the refrigerator (the vegetable drawer is best). You can safely freeze Oka cheese, just wrap it in aluminum first then in freezer bags from which all the air has been expelled. Cool it down in the refrigerator before freezing it, and let it thaw in the refrigerator also, to preserve its texture and taste.
Don't expect to make Oka cheese in your own kitchen. Even though the production of Oka cheese is more commercialized today, the Trappist monks still supervise how it is made and guard the secret of their recipe. However, I did find a video from the Pleasure and Cheeses website which talks a bit about the history and process of making Oka Cheese.
Oka makes a fine addition to any cheese plate, but it also brings a unique flavour to any pizza or pasta dish. Melt it over vegetables, in sandwiches, or use it in a fondue. Use it as a garnish in salads or to give your soup an extra zing of flavour.
Poutine With Oka Cheese and Fresh Chervil
Portobello Mushroom Caps with Eggs, Cheese & Spinach
Egg Nests with Ham and OKA
Rutabaga OKA soup
Barbecued Tomatoes Stuffed with OKA
Buffalo Burger with Oka Cheese
Oka Mushroom Cheese Potato Gratin
Canadian Onion Soup With Oka Cheese
Oka Stuffed Potatoes
Oka Cheese is available at your higher end grocery stores or buy Oka cheese online from Springbank Cheese Company
Sep 3, 2012
Monochromasy Monday
monochromasy ~ complete colour-blindness
Ahh, Labour Day. Can you smell Autumn in the air? Yeah, me neither. LOL
If you're like most people, you celebrate Labour Day by doing as little labour as possible. It's the end of summer as we know it and back to school for hoards of children.
Remember how last Monday I was saying how I lost control of my week? Well, this past week I never had control of my week in the first place. That's not to say I didn't get anything accomplished, the hubby and I got rid of a lot of the accumulated clutter on our basement shelves, so that was an accomplishment in itself. There's still a lot more to get rid of, but I think it's down to a more manageable level, one that we can pick away at over the course of the winter.
Did I mention the hubby had last week off? It was the first time he's taken time off in about three years. And the sad part is, we didn't even go any where. He spent his whole vacation doing stuff around the house. He did get to sleep in every day, which I hope he enjoyed because we're coming up to bowling season and he'll be getting up earlier on the weekends than he does during the week. :-)
I really need to start taking before and after pictures of stuff. Tuesday the kid came over to finally go through the stuff she left behind in her closet. Sounds like a simple job, right? Wrong, this closet runs the width of her old room and it was crammed full of clothes and toys and books and boxes. She didn't have a lot of time to spend, so she had her sorting down to a fine art. Stuff to donate went on the bed, stuff to keep went on the chair, and garbage/recycling went on the floor.
It took me until Saturday to bravely open the door of her old room to deal with the fall out. Armed with several sturdy boxes, assorted bags, and a cup of coffee, I reclaimed the bed, chair and floor of what is now the guest room. Once I clean the carpet it'll be a great room tohide relax in.
Blog-post wise, I'd have to say last week was an utter fail. I did get my cheese post and my book review written and up on time, but then it was like my head was on a different planet or something.
The installment for Shades of Errol Flynn was slow in coming, and then I was about halfway done when one of the supporting characters butted right in and said that his scene had to happen before the one I was writing. He was correct, of course, but he waited until right before I went to bed, so I didn't get it written until Wednesday morning, which is when it was supposed to be posted.
Then I hit a real drought when it came to Water. I started getting so frustrated that I just had to walk away from it for a while. Which is why that installment didn't get posted until Friday. It was a little on the short side too. *sigh*
And you might have noticed I didn't even attempt Friday's poetry or Flash fiction posts. *double sigh* The good news is, I've already got about a third of this week's Water installment done. And Shades is at a place where I know exactly what happens next so it won't be a problem when it comes to the actual writing.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the seventh installment of Cheeses of the World, Oka Cheese. On Random Writings I will be doing a review of Sleeping In the Middle, by Keri Lee Harmon.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-seven of Shades of Errol Flynn. So, I wonder what Howard and Alexandre think about the bells ringing? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-two of Water (on Random Thoughts) where we find out a little about what's been going on with Nereida.
Friday I will really, really try have a new poem for Random Writings, if not a new form. On Random Thoughts we'll see if I'm up for another new flash fiction.
I'm not going to try and plan for anything extra next week (unless some more editing comes my way), instead I'm going to focus on getting my posts written and posted on time. Baby steps, people, baby steps. :-)
Okay, I lied. I will try and plan for one thing this week. I want to try and get my reading list updated, which means I'll also be updating Goodreads. Cross your fingers!
Ahh, Labour Day. Can you smell Autumn in the air? Yeah, me neither. LOL
If you're like most people, you celebrate Labour Day by doing as little labour as possible. It's the end of summer as we know it and back to school for hoards of children.
Remember how last Monday I was saying how I lost control of my week? Well, this past week I never had control of my week in the first place. That's not to say I didn't get anything accomplished, the hubby and I got rid of a lot of the accumulated clutter on our basement shelves, so that was an accomplishment in itself. There's still a lot more to get rid of, but I think it's down to a more manageable level, one that we can pick away at over the course of the winter.
Did I mention the hubby had last week off? It was the first time he's taken time off in about three years. And the sad part is, we didn't even go any where. He spent his whole vacation doing stuff around the house. He did get to sleep in every day, which I hope he enjoyed because we're coming up to bowling season and he'll be getting up earlier on the weekends than he does during the week. :-)
I really need to start taking before and after pictures of stuff. Tuesday the kid came over to finally go through the stuff she left behind in her closet. Sounds like a simple job, right? Wrong, this closet runs the width of her old room and it was crammed full of clothes and toys and books and boxes. She didn't have a lot of time to spend, so she had her sorting down to a fine art. Stuff to donate went on the bed, stuff to keep went on the chair, and garbage/recycling went on the floor.
It took me until Saturday to bravely open the door of her old room to deal with the fall out. Armed with several sturdy boxes, assorted bags, and a cup of coffee, I reclaimed the bed, chair and floor of what is now the guest room. Once I clean the carpet it'll be a great room to
Blog-post wise, I'd have to say last week was an utter fail. I did get my cheese post and my book review written and up on time, but then it was like my head was on a different planet or something.
The installment for Shades of Errol Flynn was slow in coming, and then I was about halfway done when one of the supporting characters butted right in and said that his scene had to happen before the one I was writing. He was correct, of course, but he waited until right before I went to bed, so I didn't get it written until Wednesday morning, which is when it was supposed to be posted.
Then I hit a real drought when it came to Water. I started getting so frustrated that I just had to walk away from it for a while. Which is why that installment didn't get posted until Friday. It was a little on the short side too. *sigh*
And you might have noticed I didn't even attempt Friday's poetry or Flash fiction posts. *double sigh* The good news is, I've already got about a third of this week's Water installment done. And Shades is at a place where I know exactly what happens next so it won't be a problem when it comes to the actual writing.
What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.
Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the seventh installment of Cheeses of the World, Oka Cheese. On Random Writings I will be doing a review of Sleeping In the Middle, by Keri Lee Harmon.
Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-seven of Shades of Errol Flynn. So, I wonder what Howard and Alexandre think about the bells ringing? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-two of Water (on Random Thoughts) where we find out a little about what's been going on with Nereida.
Friday I will really, really try have a new poem for Random Writings, if not a new form. On Random Thoughts we'll see if I'm up for another new flash fiction.
I'm not going to try and plan for anything extra next week (unless some more editing comes my way), instead I'm going to focus on getting my posts written and posted on time. Baby steps, people, baby steps. :-)
Okay, I lied. I will try and plan for one thing this week. I want to try and get my reading list updated, which means I'll also be updating Goodreads. Cross your fingers!