
Jun 22, 2015

Mulciberian Monday

mulciberian ~ of, like or pertaining to metalworking

It's a funny thing, but now that I'm busy with work during the week, I have a whole new appreciation of weekends.

Okay. Yes, I know just last week I was saying how I liked Mondays better because I can go back to all my routines that I don't have on the weekend, and that hasn't changed. But there's just something about having those two open days at the end of the week ...

And I know there are some of you out there with puzzled looks on your faces because I work at home and isn't every day like a weekend? Technically that's true, but that just opens a whole new can of worms and if you want to read more about it, go here.

But as I was having my breakfast on Saturday, I started wondering what I was going to do with my day. I had this whole day ahead of me, and I could do anything I wanted with it. It was kind of a heady feeling.

Of course then reality intruded and all sorts of things that I had to get done intruded, like buying a new frying pan (when stuff starts burning on to your non-stick frying pan, it's time to get a new one) and a new mouse for my lap top (you have no idea how annoying a faulty mouse can be!), figuring out what that smell was in the corner where my recliner is, baking to be done, stuffed hamburgers for Sunday to make . . . the list was endless. At least it seemed that way when you go from two days with nothing to do to a whole list of things.

But I pecked away at the list, alternating things that needed to be done with things that were fun to do, like sitting out on the deck to have my lunch. So while it was a busy weekend, I still found time to relax a bit.

I am no longer the orchid whisperer. I have, to date, lost FOUR of the blooms off of the bloom stalk, bringing the total down to a measly six. My orchid is still pretty though, and I'm hoping the smaller one beside it will take the hint and grow a bloom stalk of its own.

Meanwhile, the flowers in my garden are doing well and the prettiest of them all is this one:

This is my iris, the only one I've managed to keep alive. I did have some yellow ones in my pond garden, but I have no idea what happened to them. One year I had them, the next year there was no trace of them. But the purple ones ... I received a clump of irises from a woman I worked with a long time ago, and planted them in the pond garden along the fence. These aren't them. I'm not sure where they came from but I know they didn't bloom last year. They've certainly made up for it this year though and I notice they've started to spread a bit too. As far as I'm concerned, they can spread right across the whole garden - I love irises.

I love gladiolas too. And delphiniums. And lilies. I like big plants and I cannot lie. LOL

But the day I went out to take the picture of my iris I ended up standing in the driveway talking to a neighbour and this guy just happened to mosey on by:

I should say "she" because my neighbour spotted a bigger one out behind her house so we figured this one was a female. She didn't seem particularly bothered by us, even stopped to pose when I asked her to. She was more like The Littlest Hobo - she had places to go.

I might have mentioned this before, that we've had some coyotes moving into the neighbourhood. They usually aren't seen this close to the lake, but there's been a lot of development up by the train tracks where they've been living, and instead of going further north, they've come south.

To be honest, it doesn't bother me to have them around. My cats are indoor cats, and I don't have a dog to walk at night, so it's kind of a live and let live kind of thing. I don't even mind hearing them at night when they're hunting, although I have to admit it kind of freaked me out the first couple of times I heard them - I had no idea what it was.

There's a wooded laneway that's been closed to the public where it's suspected the coyotes are living to keep people from walking their dogs up there. Surprisingly, there's been few complaints about them, other than the noise.

Maybe I'm not the only one with the live and let live attitude. Now wouldn't that be nice?

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