
Apr 9, 2018

Museology Monday

museology ~ the study of museums

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…I really like a four day work week. Thanks to Easter, I had two of them in a row – one with Friday off and one with Monday. Yes, it meant a four day weekend in the middle, but it was still two four-day work weeks.

A long time ago a company I worked for set their work schedule by a quarterly shift bid. Bids were won by seniority, which meant those with the highest seniority got first pick of the shifts. Having pretty high seniority meant I usually got my first choice, and my top pick was the extended shift that gave me an extra day off. It was awesome. While it lasted.

Last week sped by (naturally), but at the same time it was pretty busy. And Mother Nature was definitely on some kind of psychotropic drug. The drive up to my class on Wednesday was pretty hairy. I had white out conditions on the way up, and black ice on the way home. And did I mention the extremely high winds that batted the car around like a cat toy?

Then Friday we had this:

Seriously? It's April, for crying out loud. Easter's over. NO MORE SNOW!

A couple of weeks ago the grandbaby and I planted some seeds in tiny pots. So far she’s got three marigolds and one daisy coming up – the forget-me-nots aren’t doing anything. But the tomato seeds she and Grappy planted in a bigger pot are growing like gangbusters. I’m going to have to get another pot to thin them out a bit. If they all survive they’re going to have a bumper crop of tomatoes.

It’s supposed to warm up this week but the big question is, is the danger of frost past? I really want to start planting the spring bulbs I bought. And I bought a divided tray to start some morning glory seeds in, which I’ll get the grandbaby to help me with this week, as well as something I can’t remember the name of that is supposed to be night blooming.

C’mon spring! We’re waiting!

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