
May 6, 2019

Montane Monday

montane ~ mountainous; mountain-dwelling

One of the hardest things a pet owner has to face is having to make the decision to let your beloved pet go. This is a decision we were working up to over the last several months with our 19 year old cat Taz.

Just before Christmas we noticed Taz was having difficulty walking, so we whisked him off to the vet. One x-ray and blood test later it was determined that he had a pinched nerve in his back and advanced kidney disease. We came home with special food, painkillers, steroids, and kidney medicine for him, all of which I had to administer on a daily basis.

He did better for a while, and we hoped he’d last until the weather turned nice enough that we could take him outside one last time – his favourite thing in the world. Alas, the weather stayed cold and wet and it was not to be.

Taz started a downhill slide, and rather quickly too. We wrestled with the decision to end his suffering and last weekend we agreed it was time. He’d stopped eating and was barely able to make it out of his box to have a drink of water. There is a mobile vet in our area, but she wouldn’t be available until Monday, so we made him as comfortable as possible.

Sunday night, the daughter and the granddaughter said their goodbyes when they were here for dinner. And just as I was headed for bed, he managed to drag himself as far as the door to his room. I brought him a drink of water, and then I broke open one of his pain pills (they were capsules) and mixed the powder with some broth so I could give it to him with a syringe. Then I wrapped him in a towel and we had a nice cuddle for a while. I had the feeling in my heart that this was good bye.

When I got up last Monday morning I found that I was right – he left this world the same way he lived his life – on his own terms. I’ll never forget the fearless little kitten he started out as, and I’ll miss him terribly, but I’m glad his suffering is over.

I’m sure his beloved Panda was waiting on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to greet him, along with Julius and Valentine. Rest In Peace, Taz.

May 24, 2000 - April 29, 2019

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