
Jan 4, 2021

Momilogy Monday

momilogy ~ study of mummies

Everyone have a happy New Year celebration?

I spent the better part of my afternoon in the kitchen. Dinner was a tad labour intensive, and I was actually doing two of them, one to be dropped off to the father-in-law. We were going to have dinner together, but Ontario went into lock down again on Boxing Day.

Our traditional NYE dinner is stuffed game hens, and this year I decided to do something a little different to go with them. Trying out a new recipe can be a chancy thing, and two at one meal could turn out to be disastrous, but they came out okay. The first was broccoli en croute, which is basically broccoli in a cheese sauce wrapped in puff pastry. The second was potatoes and tomatoes layered in a baking dish with cheese on top.

After dinner we went down stairs to watch a festive, New Year’s movie – Godzilla, King of the Monsters. Remember while we were waiting for the kitchen reno to start how we redid the rec room as well?

We got rid of the furniture, the hubby redid the floors, and then we ordered new furniture from Leon’s. We were told it would take 6 to 8 weeks to arrive, which seemed a little long but there is a pandemic going on so we understood. At 10 weeks we called and were told it would take another couple of weeks. We weren’t happy about it, but what were we supposed to do?

At 14 weeks we called and were told it wouldn’t be delivered until the end of January. Enough was enough. And it wasn’t even so much the length of time it was taking, as it was the way we were treated. They changed the delivery date on us twice without doing us the courtesy of a phone call and there was no explanation, no apology.

So we drove up to Peterborough to cancel our order (no big deal as far as they were concerned). On the way home we stopped at the store where we bought the reclining love seat that’s been the only furniture we’d had in the basement for the last three months, and saw the perfect couch set the minute we walked in the door. It was delivered a week later.

Personally, I like it even better than the set we’d picked out from Leon’s. And once the lock down is lifted, we have seating for up to seven people in the rec room, six of whom can recline.

So the moral of the story is: shop local.

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