
Dec 8, 2008


Saturday was a write-off, writing wise. Instead I spent the day out of town Christmas shopping and when we got home we still had the grocery shopping to do. By the time that was done it was pretty late and I was exhausted.

Yesterday I worked on the space pirate scene in my WIP, although I had to keep reminding myself why I thought this was a good idea. Yes, it does make more sense than the sabotage - not only does it explain what she's doing in the middle of nowhere with a damaged ship, it explains why she's so far off course.

I started out with the aftermath where my FMC’s ship is disabled but the pirates are gone. Then I moved back to the pirates attacking. Then I moved back to where she’s just left the MMC’s planet (which still doesn’t have a name) and is trying to convince herself she’s doing the right thing.

Also yesterday, I posted a piece on the Erotic Share Your Work forum over on Absolute Write. I’ve been participating in a weekly practice challenge, which has been a lot of fun. This week’s challenge was a scene involving two people meeting for the first time. Previous ones included: describing a kiss; touch; and describing a body part.

Anyone who’s interested in erotic reading, Samhain Publishing is offering a free story every day this month. You can either download it to print it out or read it online. The link for this is HERE .

Today I’m going to try and finish with the space pirates and then move on, or rather back, to finish the scene I’m adding at the beginning. Or maybe just finish the pirate scene and then treat myself to some reading.

Either way I expect to get some writing done.


  1. Thanks for sharing the link and information about Absolute Write. Good luck with your story as well. I finally finished my poetry book and am looking forward to finishing a short story and script. My "weekender" consisted of mailing off packages to out of state family members and wrapping the last of the gifts. Thank God it's finally done. I've also baked a ton of cookies too. Back to writing!

  2. Sounds like you are on a roll....keep on rolling....

  3. Hey C.R. You should check out the poetry forum over at Absolute Write. I've been known to write a poem or two over there myself (as Lady Cat) but it's been awhile since I posted anything.

    Fish - you know me . . . my rolling is more like a wagon with square wheels ;-)
