
Mar 13, 2009

Creative Friday

I see Zokutou is off-line again, hence the lack of progress bars on the right. This has happened before so I’ll give it a few days before I look for something to replace them with.

My Nano novel is ready for edits. This is both a good and a bad thing. It’s good because it means I’m pushing forward. It’s bad, because I’ve been thinking a lot about this book lately and there’s a lot of changes to be made.

A few weeks ago I had coffee with a friend and I was describing the plot of the book. When I was finished, she said: “Wow, there’s a lot going on, isn’t there?” I’ve realized she’s right. There is a lot going on in there, perhaps too much.

Even though the draft is finished, I think I’m going to go back and do a quick outline, just to see where I am with it. I think once I have all the action listed in chronological order it will be easier to decide what should stay and what should go.

* * * * * * * * * *
Today's creation is another excerpt from Magic, this time a flashback from the main character’s grandmother.

The fair had been one of those transient things, setting up here for one weekend, there for the next. Eloise and her friends couldn’t resist the lure of the carnival atmosphere. They giggled at the so-called exotic dancers, and cooed at the strong man’s display of prowess. While the others flirted with the carnies, Eloise had wandered over to where a wizened old woman had a display of trinkets for sale.

Her eye was immediately caught by the long, narrow crystal, suspended by a chain.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said, carefully removing it from the display. “What is it?

“Is wishing crystal. You see flaw? That is crystal’s heart, is magic. It will call forth your heart’s desire.”

“How does it work?” Eloise asked.

“You hold in hand and say aloud heart’s desire.”

“Is that all? It’s almost too easy.”

“Be careful what you wish for,” the old lady warned her.

“I wish for a love that burns fierce and hot,” Eloise said, holding onto the crystal.

The old woman glared at her. “That was ill done.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I’ll still buy it,” Eloise said with a laugh. “Do you have a box for it?”

Now the old woman was looking at her strangely. “No box, just this.” She handed her a tiny velvet bag.

“How much?” Eloise asked, reaching for her purse.

“For you, is free. One day you pass magic on, eh?”

It took her years to realize she’d gotten exactly what she wished for that day. The love she and Elliot shared had burned hot and fierce. But like any fire, without anything to sustain it it had burnt itself out. Just like the cabin they’d shared.

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