
Mar 23, 2009

Weekend's Over

Zokutou has been off-line for long enough that I figured it was time to do something about my progress bars. After looking around to see what others are doing, I decided on the progress bars from Writertopia . You can check out what they have to offer by clicking on the name.

They may not be as pretty as the Zokutou bars, but they use a lot less html coding. The only problem I had was trying to adjust the size of the Editing picture to fit. It’s been awhile since I worked in html, but as you can see, I managed . . . sort of.

I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but my brain seems to have wandered over into editing mode. Instead of coming up with new ideas, I’ve been coming up with changes to works that are finished, or all but finished.

My mind has been flitting from Driving Into Forever to Always (the working title of my Nano novel), even though Always isn’t quite finished yet. I had some doubts before I got to the final scene of Always and I’m in the middle of doing a sketchy outline to see whether I got off track with the story or not. I believe I mentioned in an earlier post my concern that there’s too much going on in this one. Sometimes it helps to simplify.

I’ve been reading a lot of the advice posted on Absolute Write and checking out some of the more informational author blogs and the general consensus is that with a work of romance the two main characters should meet as soon as possible in the beginning.

Technically, in Magic, they don’t meet until near the end. That’s just the way things worked out. Now in Changeling, the main characters know each other right from the beginning, but circumstances parted them for ten years. In Always they’re strangers, but they do meet up within the first couple of chapters. Driving Into Forever, however, is a different story. There’s a whole chapter of her, then a whole chapter of him, then they don’t really get together until about chapter four.

*sigh* Guess what I’ll be working on this week?

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