
Jul 20, 2009

By The Pricking of My Thumbs

. . . something wicked this way comes!

Okay, so maybe not. I just had that quote stuck in my head and I thought if I wrote it down I could get it out again. :-)

It may interest you to know that the first time I read that line was in Ray Bradbury's brilliant book, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and so I'd always attributed the line to him. However, the quote is actually from Shakespeare's MacBeth, Act IV, Scene I :
By the pricking of my thumbs,
Something wicked this way comes:
Open, locks,
Whoever knocks!

Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to brass tacks. How did I do goals-wise last week?

First and foremost, I got my Marketing paper done. All 2000 words of it. And let me tell you, it wasn't easy because my heart really wasn't in it. The information we were given was six years old and out of the three pages of the source article we had to come up with a five page paper.

I also got some poems submitted to poetryz'own and finished one of the two poems I'd been working on. And let's not forget Friday's fiction piece, which finally made it up on Saturday. :-)

I did not get my submission made to the AW anthology, nor did I get the Starlight outlines finished.

So, those two things will move to the top of this week's list of things to get done. I also want to finish that second poem and I'll need to come up with something new for Friday's post.

Wish me luck! :-)


  1. Luck! And wishing you lots of time as well...

    Great job last week - you still got a lot of stuff done!

  2. That's great you have your goals in mind though. I am terrible at missing a goal and just throwing up my hands and falling backward. Good luck for the week!


  3. I bought me a to-do list at the dollar store to keep track of my goals. :-)

    I really shouldn't be allowed in there by myself. I also bought a bunch of folders in bright colours for my school notes; 4 wirebound notebooks; a pen with a googly eyed cat on it; and a package of lined, three-ring paper (which I actually did need).
