
Nov 30, 2009


Well, NaNo is over for another year. At least for me it is. For a few of you, there's still a couple of hours left, so git writin! :-)

And you know, you'd think the pressure would be off, now that Nano's done, but no. I still have writing to catch up on, and now a whole new novel to edit. And let's not forget the blogging to catch up on. I started out keeping up not only with my blogging, but reading and commenting on my friends and favorites, but as the month went on you might have noticed a slacking in that department.

Anyway, I'll blog more about that over on the Random Writings once I've caught my breath. Tomorrow perhaps. For tonight I'm keeping it short and sweet and getting right down to this week's goals.


Tomorrow will be another in my Deadly Sins series, this time the Sin of Gluttony.

Wednesday I'm hoping to find something whimsical to post.

Thursday on Passion for Poetry, the form will be a surprise, for both you and me. :-)

And Friday, of course, will be Chapter. . . um . . . 16? in my Space Opera.

In between times I will be catching up on my blog reading and commenting. And would you believe, I'm already thinking of a sequel to The Faery Heart?

So, how are you all doing? Still on that euphoric NaNo high? Or are you feeling the let down now that it's all over. Don't be afraid to speak up, I'd really like to know.


  1. Not let down at all. Happy it's all over! I'm happy with the draft I got out of it for sure. Not sure it would have been so long had I not had NaNo, so I'm thankful.

    I'm taking a bit of a break and going to read some stuff. I've been a blog slacker too, comes with the territory I think :o)

    Sounds like you're back on track!

    Gluttony-- uh oh. I may know somethin' somethin' about that, unfortunately.

    Have a good Tuesday!

  2. Gluttony! yeah that would be my sin.

    My nano high is over, and now I am worrying about edits, and trying to muster up willpower to look at abandoned wips
