
Dec 7, 2009

Managing Monday

Remember on Friday when I said it wasn’t that big a deal to use the desktop instead of the lap top? Well, I lied. It’s got a nice 17 inch screen, but it tends to hurt my eyes. Of course I suppose I could wear my glasses, but they’re in the living room and I’m down here. :-)

It’s also slow, slow, slow with most things. Like, anything to do with the internet. And did I mention I don’t have my beloved bookmarks on here?

My first thought on Saturday was, this will be the perfect opportunity to work on the database I want to design for my book collection. Only one problem, I don’t have any of the Microsoft programs on this machine. * sigh*

So what did I do all weekend? First thing I did, believe it or not, was clean the house. Then I caught up on my reading and made Christmas decorations. I started this tradition when our daughter was little - every year we’d made a new ornament for our tree and sometimes we’d even make extra to give to family and friends. So this year, my daughter’s first Christmas in a home of her own with her own tree, it seemed only natural that she’d want all handmade ornaments.

I gotta admit, it wasn’t as big a pain in the butt as I thought it would be. I actually had fun doing them. Well, except for painting the puzzle piece wreaths - how many coats of green paint does it take to cover one little wreath?. And gluing the hair on the paper ribbon angel for her tree topper - hot glue everywhere!. But the rest of it was fun. :-)

Goals for this Week

Get my lap top fixed! I talked to the IT guy at school and he thinks it’s just shareware and told me to bring it in Monday (which is today). So cross your fingers.

Back up my documents. As soon as I get my lap top back I am becoming a back up Nazi!

This week’s sin will be: the Sin of Envy. As in, I envy those of you with working lap tops. :-)

Thursday’s poetry form will be the one I was going to do last Thursday, only I don’t remember what the name of it was because all my information for it is on my lap top.

Friday, of course, will be Chapter 17 in the Space Opera.

I’ve also signed up for the December blog chain over on AW, but there’s such a long list this time I doubt my turn will come up this week. You never know, though.

I was thinking of leaving the editing of the Faery Heart until January, so in the meantime I’m going to be pulling out my first NaNo novel, which is way past due being gone over. I might even pull out one of my unfinished pieces and try . . . I don’t know . . . finishing it maybe. :-)

So how about you? Any big plans for the week? Are you all ready for Christmas?


  1. Best of luck getting your laptop fixed - I really don't know what I'd do without my netbook now (aside from crying).

    All those handmade ornaments sound fabulous - someone needs a camera for Christmas, so she can show them to us!

    Envy...nice. I'll admit, I'm envious of anyone with above zero temperatures right now (zero is our "high" today).

    I keep forgetting to check the blog chain post...maybe I'll get back to that in January.

    Have a good week - crossing my fingers for your poor laptop!

  2. Life without laptop would be pretty hard. Especially cause I am too lazy to sit in a chair all the time. I like my comfy sofa.

    Wow, handmade decorations. I am not even putting a tree up - I have an excuse. I am going (coming in your case) to USA on 27th to visit my parents, so no point putting a tree up.

    Good thing you have signed up on AW chain. More the merrier.

  3. Keep your fingers crossed for my lap top. The IT guy at school said he should have it back to me by Wednesday. Knock wood.

  4. I would die without my laptop. Hope you get it fixed soon.

    And sorry I haven't been around, I got sucked in by NaNo.

  5. Fingers crossed for your laptop- I'm with Benjamin- I'd be lost!!

    What a nice tradition that is with the ornaments. I need to start something like that!

    *fingers crossed* :o)
