
Jan 25, 2010

Meandering Monday

I had a pretty productive week last week, although writing wise it seemed to be all about the blogging - each of my blogs got at least one new post. I only got a tiny bit of editing in and worked on some poetry.

In the non-blogging realm I went to a Northumberland Scribes meeting on Monday, a poetry reading (that ran late) on Thursday, and I had to stay late at school twice for the job search module.

You might notice I made some minor adjustments over on the right – both the book list and the chapter list were shortened up because they were taking up way too much space. I don’t think I’m going to have any problem reaching my 52 book goal for the year. I’m already up to 9 and we’re still in the first month!

This weekend I also finally got my poetry organized – a project I’ve been trying to complete for some time now. You want to know something? I’ve got a lot of poetry!


Let’s see, what were my goals last week . . . random facts about day dreaming; humour about day dreaming; poetry form of Cywydd; Chapter 23 of Space Opera; and cleaning house for my sister’s visit.

I’m pleased to say I met every one of my goals except the humour about day dreaming. I looked, but I couldn’t find anything. Instead I posted a heart warming story about a man and an elephant. And I still can’t believe you guys fell for it! :-)

Goals For This Week:

Tuesday will have some random facts about dreaming – things you may not have known about dreaming and the dream state.

Wednesday I will have another funny story for you, courtesy of the BFF. And I’d like to just take a moment here to thank my BFF for her endless spam. :-)

Thursday’s Passion For Poetry will explore the form of Qasida.

Friday will be Chapter 24 of the Space Opera, where we may (or may not) find out who’s following the intrepid crew of the Burning Comet.

Ever since revamping my Random Writings blog I’ve been looking with a critical eye at this one. I think I could live with the green and purple font, but the header really bugs me. I’m probably going to replace it at some point, but I’m going to take my time finding the right one.

Random Thoughts

Yesterday I did a post over here about the Fight Scene Blogfest. Don’t forget to check it out, it should be a good for all.

I’m once again a link in the AW blog chain and at the speed at which people are posting I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see my turn come up this week. In any case, I’d like to at the very least get some flash fiction posted. The Little Black Dress story I did last week reminded me how much fun flash could be.

So, that's my week in a nutshell, what about you? Anything interesting going on? Read any good books lately? Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. Whew - I swear you and Jamie have the busiest schedules! How do you fit it all in? LOL

    I'm always fascinated about dreams - looking forward to that post :o)

  2. Oh goody - another dream post! Congrats on all the progress last week...

    Fight scene blogfest? Hmm. Wonder if I have anything for that. I'll enjoy reading it anyways, will go check out the link...

    Here's to another great week! :-)

  3. Very productive. I like the book-read thingi on the side, will go and check out what you are reading.

    I wrote some poetry too, after ages. I tend to do it in bursts. When I write, I write like ten, and then probably nothing for months.

  4. Erica: you'd be surprised at how much time I waste! :-)

    Jamie: Yes! Join the blogfest, it should be lots of fun!

    LW: I think the reason I got off to such a fast start in the book reading is because the first 9 are all romance and I tend to read them rather quickly. Now I'm bogged down in a mystery and a book of poetry that should take me a while to finish. :-)

  5. I love the new image and stand in awe of all you are able to get done. I'm tire and it's only Monday and I have a full week of work, writing, blogging, family and friends. I would love a proper holiday.
    You have a lovely week.
    All my very best,

  6. Also wanted to let you know I have an award for you over at my blog. If you choose not to participate, no worries - just my way of saying I enjoy your blog!

  7. Thank you so much Simone! I actually read the post over on your blog before I saw the comment here. :-)

    Glad you like the new image!
