
Feb 8, 2010

Mastering Monday

Okay, so I'm not quite sure how it happened, but this post ending up on my Random Writings blog instead of here on Random Thoughts. Guess I had a lot on the mind when I scheduled it last night. Anyway, here it is, in all it's glory. :-)

As you can see, I’ve been playing around with the font colours again. When I got to the point where I couldn’t decide if I was improving things or just making them worse, I decided to stop. :-)

You’ll also notice the comments link is still at the top, rather than the bottom of my posts. My only consolation is that I’m not alone – this is happening to other bloggers as well. No one seems to know why this is happening, and unfortunately, no one knows how to correct the problem. Blogger says “they’re working on it”. I’ve checked the editing page, and I’ve gone through the HTML coding with a fine toothed comb; :I’ve changed the comments from a popup and back again; I even deleted my template and started from scratch. According to everything I’ve checked, my comments link should be showing at the bottom not the top. I give up! Grr!



Last week’s goals were a fortune telling post for Tuesday; more humour for Wednesday; the poetry form of Terzanelle; and Chapter 25 in the continuing Space Opera.

Not only did I attain last week’s goals, I also read three more books, which is why I didn’t get much else done. :-)

Goals for This Week:

Random Tuesday: Fortune Telling, Part Two. The second part of my series about fortune telling will explore Divination by Dice.

Whimsical Wednesday: I’m starting to run out of humourous stories so I might have to resort to a couple of cartoons or videos instead.

Thursday: the Passion for Poetry form this week with be the Luc Bat.

Friday: Chapter 26 of the Space Opera. And hopefully I won’t be up until 2 a.m. writing it like I was last week. :-)

I think I’d also better make note here that I also want to get some editing done, and maybe even some fresh words in one (or both) of my two WIPs.

It’s easy to pat myself on the back with my weekly goals when that’s all the writing I do in the week. This week’s motto will be: Less reading and more writing.

Random Writing

I got my post up last week for the Fight Scene Blogfest and many wonderful people commented on it. If you missed the blogfest, you can still access the list of participants HERE

A couple of days ago I did an update of how I’m doing on the goals I set myself at the beginning of the year. Not doing too bad at all, if I do say so myself. Hopefully I can keep up the good work.

Tuesday, look for my post about the Northumberland Scribes. We have a meeting tonight, which means I’ll be posting a prompt for you guys to have some fun with. I’ll be posting my own flash piece to inspire you.

I think it's about time I added a couple of progress bars in one of the side columns to show what I'm working on. The added advantage of this is people can shame me getting to work if those bars don't move. :-)

So, how about you? What have you got planned for the week?


  1. Another busy week, will check out your fight scene! Good luck with the editing/writing ;o)

  2. I'm so glad you're doing so well on your goals!

    That is one weird glitch/bug...

  3. Thank you for commenting everyone!
