
Feb 1, 2010

Monster of a Monday

I have to tell you, I'm very glad that January is behind me now. It was not a good month for me. In fact, it was pretty craptacular. I had migraines and computer problems, you might have noticed my comments are now showing at the top of my posts instead of the bottom. I have no idea how this happened and they've been resisting my every effort to fix it.

This week was the worst of all. My cat, Panda, started losing weight again and when it dipped to 4.9 pounds we came to the painful decision it was time to let her go. She fought a good fight, but she let us know it was time. You can read my tribute to her HERE.

So here's hoping February will be kinder.

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Last week's goals were: random facts about dreaming; a funny story for Whimsical Wednesday; the poetry form of Qasida; chapter 24 of the Space Opera; and a remodel of this blog.

No one is more surprised than me over the fact I reached all my goals. I even managed to get my chapter posted on time. I'm still not 100% sure about the colours of the blog but it's definitely easier on the eyes. And as I mentioned above, somehow my comments ended up at the beginning instead of the end of my posts and that definitely needs to be fixed.

Goals for This Week:

I think for Tuesday I'm going to explore some of the more uncommon methods of fortune telling. Who knows, it might even end up as a series.

I'm not finding much amusing these days, but I'll try to come up with something for Wednesday.

Thursday's Passion For Poetry will be the invented form of the Terzanelle.

And Friday, of course, will be another installment of the never-ending serial. :-)

Random Writing

Be sure to check out today's post over here - it's my offering for the Fight Scene Blogfest. And then follow the link from the post below so you can check out the other posts. Should be lots of good reading.

So, that's my week, such as it is. Anybody else got anything interesting going on? Read any good books lately? Check it out, I'm up to 11 books for the year so far. It'll be interesting to see how many I end up reading in total. :-)


  1. I'm so sorry about Panda, Carol. :-( It's so hard to let go of a beloved pet, and you worked so hard to keep her healthy. No more pain for her though.

    You just really had a horrid start to the year, didn't you? Here's hoping it gets better very soon!

    11 books...hmm. I should tally up mine to date. Don't think I've read quite that many yet...

  2. I am sorry about Panda. :(

    Here is to hoping that your year will get better.

    And I am going to steal your world "craptacular" I love it, and it applies to my january. In fact, now craptacular is one of my favourite words.

  3. Oh my dear friend I'm so very sorry about your dear Panda it could not have been easy.
    Here is hoping February is all you want it to be.
    BIG Hug and all my very best wishes,

  4. Thank you ladies. Despite everything my optimism is still intact. I still firmly believe this will be a good year.

  5. I like your new design. It looks interesting though I hope you fix the comments.

    I had a theme a while ago that had the comments up the top intentionally and people would still comment in the wrong comments section.

  6. So sorry about Panda - it's so hard to lose a pet/family member. My thoughts are with you. *hugs*

    I love the new colors - very pastel. Easy on the eyes ;o)

    Glad you've been able to keep with your goals, and looks like you have an interesting week ahead of you! Happy Reading :o)
