
Mar 1, 2010

Motivational Monday

Okay. I admit it. I was a complete and utter slacker this weekend. I blame my daughter. She gave me the first two Twilight books. Which I read Friday evening and Saturday, then I went to her place on Sunday to get the other two. I didn’t even get to my usual rounds of blog reading until Sunday evening. Forget getting any writing done.

Despite my slacking, the wonderful Dolly, Queen of the Journals, gave me a Creative Writer Award. Thank you so much Dolly! Be sure to visit her blog Writer Revealed. She always has interesting things to say. And to see why she deserves the title of Queen of the Journals, visit Editing Hat to read her guest post about journalling for writers.

In order to accept this award, I have to make up 6 lies and 1 truth. It’s up to you to guess which one is the truth. I’ll post the answer next Monday.

1. I don’t colour my hair.
2. When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian.
3. I’m a morning person.
4. I love sitting out in the sun in summer.
5. I have no problem getting up in the morning.
6. My favorite colour is yellow.
7. Even though I love reading, I’m a slow reader.


Last week was a busy week for me. On top of my regular posting I had a story to do for the 1K Words Blogfest, a poem for my poetry group, and my business plan (both writing it and presenting it) for school. And it was also my first week at work.

I can’t believe I got everything done! The post for Thursday was a little late (okay, a lot late) but I still managed to get it done. I confess that I didn’t make my Scribes meeting (it was snowing like crazy Monday night) and I didn’t go to the administration meeting for my poetry group on Thursday, but I met all my other obligations and still came out with my sanity intact. :-)

This Week:

Tuesday: Part V of my fortune telling series. I think this week we’ll explore what can be done with playing cards, a direct descendant of the Tarot.

Wednesday: Something humourous of course, though I’m not sure what form it will take.

Thursday: the Passion For Poetry form this week will be the Rubai. You may know it under the more familiar name of Rubaiyat.

Friday: Chapter Twenty-Nine of the Space Opera. What’s the matter with Nakeisha? Was anyone else taken ill? Will she be found in time?

Random Writings

I really have to start paying more attention to this blog. I got lots of nice comments on the story I posted there, and I picked up three more followers.

Tonight is another Scribes meeting, and I fully intend to attend whether it’s snowing or not. So after the meeting I’ll post the prompt and my piece that results from it.

There was something else I wanted to do over there but I can’t remember what it is.

Mundane Goals

This week I fully intend to finish reading the Twilight series and then I’ll update my reading challenge. I will not be doing any more knitting on the leg warmers the kid sweet talked me into knitting for her until I finish reading – she gave me the darned books, she can suffer the consequences. :-)

I need to start a letter to my NB sister, she phoned me from our other sister’s house on the weekend, which means she’s back from her cruise and I owe her a letter.

I also need to clean out my dresser. I cleaned out my closet a couple of weeks ago, and by the time I was finished that I didn’t want to even look at the dresser. But it just doesn’t want to clean itself, so it looks like I’m stuck with the job.

It looks like a lot, but it’s stretched out over a whole week. And I’ve found that now that I’m working, I’m not wasting as much time on games on the computer. So that’s what I’ve got lined up this week, how about you?


  1. Wow - a lot of goals. So good luck with them.

    And I think the comment about being able to get up easily in the morning is the truth.

  2. How's the new job going, Carol? I hope everything is going well with that. :-)

    I'm going to guess that #1 is the truth? Unless you really are a morning person...(really?). LOL

    Good luck with your goals this week - my major goals are all centered around making serious progress on the writing front, and basically recovering my life from the hormone-induced brain freeze that was last week. ;-)

  3. Dolly: It does seem like a lot of goals, doesn't it? I think I'm going to have to have my hubby hide the last two Twilight books to get anything done! :-)

    Jamie: The new job is going great! I not only love the job, I get along great with the people I work with.

    I had the same hormone-induced brain feeze as you last week. Starting my first day of work! ;-)

  4. Whew busy week! I'm guessing #4 who doesn't like the sun ;o)

    Glad to see you're loving your job! Yay! So, you're delving into the world o Twilight - I read them all in a week myself, totally addicting... Hope you're enjoying them ;o)
