
Apr 19, 2010

Mini Monday

I’m pretty happy with the way last week went. I got all my goals accomplished and I even knocked a few “extras” off my to-do list. Things like organizing the documents I have on my USB keys, e-mailing some poems to the CPW poetry magazine, and making a couple of entries in my journal.

This Week:
Tuesday: will see the wind-up of the Fortune Telling series, and will feature a few of the more odd fortune telling methods I’ve come across.
Wednesday: something whimsical is in the wings for Wednesday. I’m thinking of shaking things up a bit and changing the format for Wednesday’s posts, but I haven’t decide what to do instead so for now you’ll still be getting whimsy.
Thursday: The Passion for Poetry this week is the Clerihew.
Friday: Chapter 36 of Space Opera. In which Chaney helps Nakeisha figure out how to contact the Illezie.

Elsewhere in my week:

I have a doctor’s appointment today, and a poetry meeting tomorrow night and other than that I plan to get lots of writing/editing done.

So, that’s my week, such as it is. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! You go, girl...look at you, getting all organized and productive! :-)

    Can't wait to find out what a "Clerihew" is, and how Nakeisha will finally contact the Illezie again...

    As for me - I'm kicking it up a notch this week. Motivated and feeling groovy. ;-)

    Good luck with the doc...
