
Apr 6, 2010

Tell Me Your Fortune - Part X

Graphology is the study of handwriting and the connection it has to a person’s behaviour. It has been used in compiling profiles of everything from employment to marital compatibility. In Switzerland, approximately 80 percent of large corporations use graphology in their hiring procedures. There are around 300 features to be found in handwriting, here we’ll explore only a few of the basic ones.

Line Direction
People who write in convex lines tend to start a project with ambition and enthusiasm only to lose interest and give up before the task has been completed. People who write with concave lines approach a task with little optimism but gain self confidence as the task nears completion. Writing in descending lines may be caused by depression or pessimism. People in a mood swing may temporarily write in descending lines whereas an ascending line indicates optimism. Someone who writes a straight line may go straight toward his daily aim. If a person writes in a precisely straight line it is said that person is unyielding.

The right slant is the most common and most natural slant. The right slant is found in people in a hurry - impatient people and the active writer. A left slant tendency shows both emotion and reserve. If the handwriting is generally upright, this indicates independence.

Large size handwriting can indicate someone who’s an extravert and outgoing, or it can mean that the writer puts on an act of confidence. Small size handwriting indicates a thinker and an academic. If the writing is small and delicate, the writer is unlikely to be a good communicator with anyone other than those on their own particular wavelength. These people do not generally find it easy to break new ground socially.

Wide spaces between words are saying - 'give me breathing space'. Narrow spaces between words indicate a wish to be with others. Sometimes the words of a sentence are both widely and narrowly spaced. This writer is usually unstable in both thinking and emotions.

Space between letters show the extent the writer relies upon their own intuition. When all letters are connected it indicates a person with logical and systematic thinking. When only some letters are unconnected it shows an artistic and intuitive thinker. When most letters are unconnected it shows a person who is an egocentric.

A person who writes with widely spaced lines may live a life of order and system. These are reasonable people with executive ability.. But if the space between the lines becomes too wide it may indicate a person who likes to keep their distance. Small spaces between the lines may indicate a person who likes to be around other people. Overlapping lines may indicate a person who suffers from an emotional or mental disorder.

The width of the left margin is indicative of the distance we wish to maintain to other people. Wide left margins are often in handwriting of proud or shy people. Pathologically self-conscious people will watch and control both the left and right margin. Narrow upper margins betray informality and wide ones show withdrawal. No margins is indicative of a person who wants no distance between other people. They want to be one with the world. Wide margins are indicative of a withdrawn person.

Tall capitals are people who tower above the rest. Small capitals are people who are modest in nature. They concentrate on facts, not ideas. Wide letters are extroverted people. Narrow letters come from loners. Lack of end strokes indicates a shy person. When the first letter stands apart it shows a cautious person.

Tall upper strokes are reaching towards goals and ambitions or, if they are very extended, there may be unrealistic expectations of what the person feels they must achieve. Reasonably proportioned upper loops indicate someone who likes to think things through and use their imagination in a sensible way. Wider upper loops indicate more of a tendency to dream up ideas and mull them over. If the up-stroke goes up and then returns on top of itself, the writer may be squeezing out imagination and keeping to the basic requirement of getting down to the job in hand.

A straight stroke shows impatience to get the job done. A full lower loop with heavy pressure indicates energy/money-making/sensuality possibilities. A full lower loop with light pressure indicates a need or wish for security. If there are many and varied shapes in the letters, the writer may feel unsettled and unfocused emotionally.

Heavy pressure indicates commitment and taking things seriously, but if the pressure is excessively heavy, that writer gets very uptight at times and can react quickly to what they might see as criticism, even though none may have been intended. These writers react first and ask questions afterwards.

Light pressure shows sensitivity to atmosphere and empathy to people, but can also, if the pressure is uneven, show lack of vitality.

Legible hand-writers make good teachers and speakers. They are sincere and co-operative. But beware of the person whose writing is impressively legible, these people are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

1 comment:

  1. My handwriting as changed so very much over the last decade I wonder what it means.
    You have a great week my dear.
