
Jun 7, 2010

Metagnostic Monday

metagnostic ~ incomprehensible; beyond understanding

Last week really kicked my butt, on so many different levels. If you took all the bad luck I had in May (which, let me tell you, was considerable) and put it into one week, it still wouldn’t even come close to how bad last week was. I’m just grateful that the old week is gone and the new one is here. Let’s hope it will be kinder.

Two things of note:

First, I’d like to apologize to all my blogging friends out there whose blogs I normally comment on faithfully. I read your posts, but wasn’t able to do much (if any) commenting. The way my week was going I almost didn’t get my posts up.

Second, the fabulous Dolly, from Writer Revealed, had me do a guest post on her blog! She’s been running a weekly series called “Why I Write?” and I was honoured when she asked me to take part. If you don’t have her site bookmarked already, you can find it HERE. This is a great series and I advise everyone to have a look. I love seeing what makes other people tick.

Anyone play Mouse Hunt on Facebook? I learned a neat trick. If you leave the site, or even shut down your computer, without exiting out of Facebook, the game will keep running. This is how I’ve managed to make Apprentice level so fast. Even when I’m not using my computer I’m still catching mice. Of course the down side to that is people think I’m logged into Facebook when I’m not. :-)

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Part V of my fairy tale series takes a more in depth look into Snow White and what Disney did to her. ;-)

Wednesday: Will feature a new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure. If you have any preferences, let me know. I’m always willing to do a little research.

Thursday: This week’s Passion for Poetry form is Minute Poetry, and trust me when I say it takes more than a minute to write it!

Friday: Chapter 42 of the Space Opera. What’s this test Nakeisha’s undertaking? And has anyone noticed the wind’s picking up?

Elsewhere in my week:

Tonight there’s a Scribe’s meeting, and since I missed the last two I’m really going to have to make the effort to go tonight. The prompt, if anyone else would like to give it a try, is to write 150 words in an anthropomorphic genre.

Quite frankly, that’s the only thing I’ve got “planned” for this week. As far as I’m concerned, if I get anything else done it’s gravy. I have two short bios to write, one for the anthology my poetry group is putting out and the other for the Scribe’s website. Why is it so hard to write about myself??

I also need to go through my poetry (dare I suggest organizing it again?) to choose poems for the anthology. This time I have three pages to fill. And maybe it’s time I started thinking about what poems I’m going to read for the poetry reading I’m doing in August.

Reading-wise . . . after a fast start I’ve slowed down considerably, but I’m still about half-way there. I’m thinking 52 books for the year was probably right for me after all. Can you believe it’s June already? It seems like just yesterday we were all complaining about the cold.

That’s what’s on my plate for the week, how about yours?


  1. Yep. *nods* You and I are in the same boat, work-wise. Here's hoping it slows down for both of us soon!

    I love your fairy tale series, even when I don't have time to comment. :-) Can't wait to see what's next for Chaney & Nakeisa too!

    Have a great week....
