
Jun 28, 2010

Multifarious Monday

multifarious ~ having great diversity; manifold

Last week went pretty well (knock wood). I made it to my Scribe’s meeting on Monday night, and even remembered my poetry group meeting on Tuesday night. I got all my posts written and posted on time, except for my flash piece on my Random Writings blog, which I wrote and then forgot to post until later in the day.

I finally settled on a format for the Random Writings blog. Monday’s I'm going to post a writing prompt – it might be in words, it might be a picture – and then I’m going to give anyone who cares to participate the rest of the week to think about it and then write a flash piece about it. I’ll post my own piece on Friday, and anyone else who plays can either e-mail theirs to me for posting (carolrward(at)gmail(dot)com) or post it in the comments. Wednesdays I’m going to impart some pearls of wisdom about writing, and then Friday, of course, will be the flash post.

Friday I decided that if I’m going to waste time on the computer I might as well waste it doing something more constructive than play games, so I logged on to the Absolute Write forum. It’s been a while since I’ve been there and I signed up for the “Finish the Damn Book” Challenge. The rules are pretty simple: You have to do something, anything, to your novel before you can log onto the internet; you can’t start a new project until your current one is finished; you must set a daily, weekly, or monthly goal – it should be your absolute minimum number of words for the time period specified. The hardest part is not logging onto the internet as soon as the lap top boots up.

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Part VII of my fairy tale series will take a look at Rumpelstiltskin.

Wednesday: Will feature a new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure. If you have any preferences, let me know. I’m always willing to do a little research. ;-)

Thursday: This week’s Passion for Poetry is the French form of Rime Couée .

Friday: Chapter 44 of the Space Opera. However are Chaney and Nakeisha going to pass the time while waiting for the wind to die down?

Elsewhere in my week:

Umm. There’s a poetry reading in the next town over tonight that I might go to. It should be interesting – there’s going to be a performance poet doing a reading, and some actor is going to read the entire Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.

Mid-week will see the start of the Canada Day celebrations in town, which means avoid driving downtown at all costs. :-) Seriously, there’s a waterfront festival going on and traffic is insane. Not as insane as what went on in Toronto for the G20 Summit, but insane for a small town.

If you want to know what’s happening this week on my Random Writings blog, click HERE

And that pretty much sums up my week. How about you? Any interesting preparations for the upcoming holidays? (My preparation consisted of planting patriotic red and white impatiens in my front garden.)

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