
Jul 5, 2010

Morphean Monday

morphean ~ of, like or pertaining to dreams

Last week pretty much went by in a haze. I got my posts done, and up on time, except for the flash piece I was supposed to finish for Random Writings. I almost had it finished and then I changed the story line in such a way it’s turning into a much longer piece. I think I need to get back into some kind of rhythm when it comes to my flash fiction.

Didn’t do so well on my “Finish the Damn Book” Challenge. When I have two blogs I’m doing posts for each week, it’s a little hard not to start something new before I get my required novel words in each day. I started out strong, but began to seriously slack off as the week went on. I’d like to blame the holiday weekend, but that would be a lie. *sigh* Hopefully I’ll do better this week.

Looks like my dry spell is over. I hadn’t been reading lately but I read five books in a row last week. The two that stand out the most are Fairyville, by Emma Holly (a really great erotic romance) and the Sugar Queen, by Sarah Addison Allen (a wonderful contemporary story with a little magic thrown in for good measure).

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Part VIII of my fairy tale series will on Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

Wednesday: Will feature a special hunk for my Yankie friends.

Thursday: This week’s Passion for Poetry is a form called Hexaduad.

Friday: Chapter 45 of the Space Opera. Chapter 44 was intended to be a little more graphic, but then this whole electricity thing cropped up. What’s up with that?

Elsewhere in my week:

This is the first Monday of the month which means there’s a Scribe’s meeting tonight.

If you want to know what’s happening this week on my Random Writings blog, click HERE

And that's pretty much my week ahead. How about you? How was your holiday? Read any good books lately?


  1. Hey Carol. :-) I still need to go read Ch. behind last week, but it's on the list. Sounds like you're getting things in hand well enough finally...II have an erotic Goldilocks story to recommend that I'll try to remember to post the link for tomorrow. ;-)

    I just finished Lisa Hendrix's Immortal Outlaw...she's doing this fantastic Immortal Brotherhood series that I'm just completely engrossed with. Next one comes out in October. Her heros are fabulous, honor-bound, surly, manly-men that I'm sure you'd enjoy...if I didn't have signed bookplates, I'd send 'em to ya. ;-)

    Good luck with everything this week!

  2. Erotic Goldilocks? Oh, my! ;-)

    I'll keep my eye peeled for the Immortal Brotherhood series - sounds like my cup of tea!
