
Sep 13, 2010

Menticide Monday

menticide ~ reduction of mind by psychological pressure

Is it just me or was last week a really long week? Maybe it just seemed like it because I was without my lap top for the last half of it. However, my personal IT godmother (I would never call her a fairy) came and reformatted it for me and it’s running almost like new, which is pretty darn good considering it’s five years old.

You notice it took a woman to do the job properly. I’ve taken this lap top in three times to men and asked them to reformat it for me and what did they do? They did a system restore, not a reformat. I do know the difference, and I also know that’s the only sure way to get rid of a Trojan off your system.

I had everything important backed up and saved, and I even remembered to save my bookmarks. One thing I didn’t think of was to write down the password for my Facebook account. And I also didn’t write down the password for the e-mail account I created for it. And I timed out trying various passwords to get it to open so I couldn’t reset them for a couple of days. Argh!

I missed my poetry installment last week, and the only reason the serial chapter made it up was because I’d written and scheduled it earlier in the week. I took advantage of being internet-less and got some reading done, as well as some cleaning and baking.

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Part XVII of my fairy tale series will explore the Little Mermaid. I think this series will be wrapping up soon – I’m running out of fairy tales.

Wednesday: A new hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: This week’s Passion for Poetry is the French form of Rime CouĂ©e.

Friday: Chapter 55 of the Space Opera. I think I’m going to have to take a day and plot the remainder of this to the end. I’d like to have it wrapped up before NaNo.

Elsewhere in my week:

I have a Scribe’s meeting tonight, and there’s a poetry reading on Thursday night. I need to get back on track with my writing and catch up on the blog reading I missed last week.

I also need to catch up on my 30 days of writing over on Random Writings. And I think that’s about it for me. What about you, what have you been up to lately? Anything interesting going on this week?


  1. Glad you posted today - I was worried about your laptop. Glad it's been reformatted and is running well now. Whew!

    Good thinking on the serial, though I'll be sad to see it end. Much easier to do NaNo without worrying about weekly serial chapters too. ;-) My goal is to get ahead enough on the draft that I can have all the Nov. chapters done before NaNo starts. Here's hoping...

    Good luck catching up! More of the same for me - revising, drafting, more drafting, and the dayjob. With a little Halloween thrown in for good measure. ;-)

  2. APPLE DUMPLINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Jamie: I was pretty worried about my lap top too! Reformatting works wonders. Now, if I could only figure out where I exported my bookmarks . . .

    Ciara: You can make pickles and jam and dinner rolls from scratch, and you can't make apple dumplings???
