
Nov 1, 2010

Metagnostic Monday – NaNo Edition

metagnostic ~ incomprehensible; beyond understanding


That’s right folks, NaNoWriMo started at midnight last night. In honour of this I participated in the Share Your Workspace Blogfest. Take a minute to check it out.

If you’re participating in NaNo, look me up and be my writing buddy. I’m Lady Cat over there and I can always use another friend. My official NaNo snackfood this year is gummi worms and Rice Works brown rice crisps. These will be washed down with this year’s official NaNo beverage, holiday Chai tea.

If you’re on Facebook, then you already know I was struck down with the NaNo curse yesterday. The last two years in a row as NaNo approached my writing would dry up and I would decide not to participate. Then November 1 would roll around and I’d get slammed with an idea that I just couldn’t resist. I might add that the last two years are the only two I’ve won the challenge.

This year I decided ahead of time that I would participate. I even had an idea. It was another space-opera type (I swear I don’t know why I keep having all these science fiction/romance ideas) – I had a good idea of what the story was about, I had well developed characters, I was even familiar with the universe it was set in and the technology that was to be used.

However, last week I got a SNI (shiny new idea). It’s a contemporary (which is really unusual for me) and I guess the closest category I could put it in is thriller romance. Anyway, it wouldn’t leave me alone, just kept replaying in my head until last night I caved and started writing it. I spent the first hour of NaNo trying to come up with names for the characters!

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Given that yesterday was All Hallow’s Eve, Part IV of my superstition series will take a look at some of the superstitions surrounding Halloween.

Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday: I’m needing a break from the poetry forms, at least for NaNo month. So instead of a form I’ll be starting a series on poets. If you have a favourite poet, feel free to make suggestions!

Friday: The Space Opera draft is officially finished! You have until the end of the month to read it, then I’ll be taking it down to do some much needed editing. In the meantime, I’ll be posting excerpts from my NaNo novel on Fridays.

Elsewhere in my week:

I have a Scribe’s meeting tonight and I don’t know what the topic was so I’ll probably be going empty handed.

I just have to get the bugs out of my business web site and I can call it done. Friday I finally hit on a colour combination I liked, and then I had to go back and change the brochure and business card. Now to get it uploaded and get the hyper links working properly.

I’m going to kill two birds with one stone and start putting together a cook book of an Aunt’s recipes. Bird #1 is I need to figure out what the set-up time is for this service, and bird #2 I can make copies to give to family members for Christmas. It’ll also come in handy as a sample for my work.

I guess it goes without saying that I’ll be writing a lot this week too. :-D

So how about you? What are you up to this week? Did you stay up last night to get a jump start on NaNo?


  1. Of course I stayed up to get a jump start :-)

    Good luck with SNI. LOL, I don't think I would ever go into NaNo like that - not brave enough. I love my outline.

    Looking forward to your progress. I hope you enjoy writing it.

  2. For me, outlines are a waste of time. Even if I had one I'd never be able to follow it. :-)
