
Dec 6, 2010

Molimen Monday

molimen ~ great effort, especially in performing natural functions

I had a rather quiet weekend . . . I wasn’t feeling well so it was the perfect excuse to curl up with a good book. Or in my case it was a few good books. I didn’t even crack the lap top open yesterday. (Hence the fact that I’m late getting this post up.)

My Light Scribe was actually pretty cool – eventually. I admit it was a little frustrating at first. No where in the packaging did it mention that I had to download separate software for it to work and after I’d installed the right software my computer couldn’t detect the drive. It might have had something to do with the fact that I switched my USB hub from the desktop to the lap top to do some printing and forgot to switch it back again. D’oh!

Did not get my business books set up. Yeah, my bad. I don’t mind doing the actual bookwork, it’s just the setting up that I have a problem with. Come to think of it, I don’t think I paid any of my bills last week either.

I’m starting to think I need to print out my goals/to-do list. Cleaning out the craft closet completely slipped my mind. Oops! Which of course means no Christmas crafts got done either.

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: This week’s installment of my series on superstition concerns knocking on wood, which I do quite often.

Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure – I think I’ll have to see if I can come up with some Christamsy hunks for the season.

Thursday: Part VI of my Famous Poets series will feature Louise Labe, who wrote really wonderful sonnets.

Friday: Oh, now I remember what I was supposed to do on the weekend – get started on the new serial. Looks like I’ll have to get focused this week if I want to post the first installment Friday.

Elsewhere in my week:

First thing I’ll be doing is catching up on my blog reading/commenting. I wasn’t on the internet much on Friday or Saturday, and as I said earlier in this post I wasn’t on the computer at all on Sunday.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I seem to be in denial regarding the rapidly approaching holiday. Of course it might have something to do with the serious lack of snow here. Great White North my butt!

Writing-wise I’ll be working on Forever and For Always, which is where the excerpt I posted Friday came from. I’m also going to be taking one of my other WIPs out of mothballs and dusting it off. Woman cannot live by editing alone, so I’ll be adding new words to my novel The Perfect Man – yes, I know that title is an oxymoron. ;-)

Snow or no snow I’d better get started on this year’s Christmas crafts. Which of course means I have to find my massive bag of Christmas craft supplies in the closet of death. *shudder*

I should also sit down and make a list of the cookies I’m going to do this year. Perhaps I’ll start with gingerbread – nothing like the smell of gingerbread men to get you in the mood for Christmas. :-)

And there you have it. My week to come. How about you? What’s in store for you this week?


  1. Sorry you weren't feeling well - me either, which is why I'm at home today instead of at work. Stupid bugs. I hope you're feeling better...

    Yay for more editing and new words! And Christmas-y hunks!

    I'm so not in the mood for the holidays this year...I'm trying, but it's really not happening. Maybe once I finally put a tree up...

    My week is about the same - writing, editing, day job...and trying to keep warm. I'm trying to push some of this snow your way, really!

  2. The snow thing is really starting to bug me. It's like our town has an umbrella over it or something. All around us people are getting crap loads of snow and we have nothing!
