
Jan 31, 2011

Misbegotten Monday

misbegotten ~ badly conceived, planned, or designed

You know, the one good thing about working outside of the home is that it really makes you appreciate your weekends. Last week was . . . difficult, and in a rare case of self-control, I’m going to let it go at that. :-)

Wow, I only missed one goal last week, and that was attending my poetry group meeting on Tuesday.

My posts were all up on time and I even managed to write my Rondeau. I participated in the Musical Chairs Blogfest where I was challenged to write something for children. You can see what I came up with HERE. And best of all, I added 2,000 words to Forever and For Always. The bad news there is, all those words and I only managed to fill one of the plot holes.

Some times it pays to get up early. I was caught by surprise with a story idea on Monday when I was getting ready to go to work. It was so strong that I sat down and wrote out a flash piece.

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: Part five of my series on Home Remedies. This week will feature remedies for burns.

Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: The poetry form of the week will be the Rondeau Redouble. Should be twice as much fun as the Rondeau, right?

Friday: Chapter 9 of Fire. So, who killed everybody? And what happened to all the children? Don’t ask me, I haven’t written that part. ;-)

Elsewhere in my week:

The key to last week was organization, and the fact that I had all my posts except my poetry example written ahead of time. Unfortunately, I had other things occupying me on the weekend, so that’s not happening this week. I’ll just have to be super vigilant about staying away from the games.

The one thing I didn’t get done last week was any reading, so starting this week I want to schedule in time to read. I’ve got a couple of books on the go and I just picked up a new one on the weekend that I’m eager to get to.

Another thing I didn’t get done is keep up with my blog commenting and for this I am truly sorry. While I did manage to read most of my favourites, I just didn’t have time to comment on most of them. I’d like to try and do better this week.

I’m working in someone else’s office again today and since this is the end of their pay period I won’t know until later if I’ll be there the rest of the week. So, in some respects this week is pretty much up in the air.

And I think it should got without saying by now that when I’m not doing any of the above or editing someone else’s books (I’ve only got two on the go right now) I will be plugging away at my own writing. :-)

And that’s pretty much it for my week ahead. How’re things with you? What’s new and interesting?

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