
Mar 21, 2011

Methinks It’s Monday

methinks ~ I believe; I think

Happy second day of spring! Did anyone else out there do anything special to celebrate the change of seasons yesterday? We had the first outdoor barbeque of the season at my in-laws, and at home I flipped the mattress on the bed, replacing the flannel sheets with regular ones. :-)

And what about the Supermoon? Did you get a chance to see it? I stuck my head out the back door a couple of times and it didn’t look any bigger than the average full moon. I will admit it was very bright though. And its effects were stronger – the cats were crazier than usual.

After a week of neglecting my WIP, I finally found my inspiration on Saturday and got some major editing done on it. Go me! There was one scene in particular that was giving me fits, and I finally got it going in the right direction.

I vaguely recall making a promise to report on my time wastage for the week . . . I really have to stop making such rash promises. :-) My two biggest time wasters turned out to be gaming and napping. Now the napping was due to the medication I was taking for migraines last week so there’s not much I can do about that except not take it. The gaming, however . . . Specifically, the gaming consisted of Farmville, Frontierville, and Cityville on Facebook, and Ocean Express, Jigsaw, Word Twist, and Bubbletown on MSN games. By Wednesday I was utterly appalled at the amount of time spent on games, especially the Facebook ones, so I stopped playing them. (It helped that I was getting frustrated with how slowly they were loading).

This Week’s Goals:

Tuesday: I started running out of inspiration for my Home Remedies series, so I think I’m going to call it done. This week, I’m very pleased to present a Guest Post on Living Green.

Wednesday: Another Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: The poetry form of the week will be Ekphrasis.

Friday: Chapter 16 of Fire. So, are they finally ready to leave the village behind and set out on their journey?

Elsewhere in my week:

I’ve got a busy week this week.

Tonight I have a Scribes meeting and I can’t for the life of me remember what the topic is. I have until 6:30 to not only remember it, but also write 150 words about it. I also need to type out the 30 minutes of free writing I did at the last meeting. Both these pieces will be posted on my other blog tomorrow. I caught up sending our web master some of my scribe-work, and I even sent in a short story and an article for our on-line magazine, which has been in the work for um, a long time now.

Tuesday I have a poetry meeting, for which I still need to write a poem based on my horoscope, which was our poetry prompt from the last meeting.

Wednesday I’m chauffeuring my father-in-law to Toronto to a doctor’s appointment.

Because of the poetry form I chose for this week, I need to get to the local coffee shop that has an exhibition of art from a local artist. You’ll know why on Thursday. :-)

As well, I WILL be learning how to use my cell phone this week. What is the point of having one of the damn things if you can’t use it? I can get it to tell me I have 20 voice mail messages, but I can’t access them. It might have something to do with forgetting the password. And I can’t seem to get past the voice mail to make an actual phone call. When did I become so technologically challenged? I used to be really good at this stuff!

Okay. That’s my week. How’s yours looking?


  1. Friday. . .visiting grand-puppy at lunch???

  2. I made my smoke alarms work. :D (Thank you mobile ad at the FireStation.)

  3. I solve the cell phone problem by not having one. :-)

    Good luck with the subject/words for tonight! And I'm looking forward to the next Friday chapter. And the hunk. And...well, you get the idea. LOL

    My week in a word? Busy, much like yours. *sigh*
