
May 9, 2011

Mythomania Monday

mythomania ~ lying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent

Another Monday and another confession. I didn’t get a lot done outside of my regular posts last week. But I have a good excuse reason. Actually, I have two reasons. First, I got bogged down in html coding. Yes, I know there are programs out there that will create my website for me, and yes there are people out there who can do it for me (I even have a couple who’ve generously offered their help) but it’s becoming a matter of pride with me. I want to do it myself, by hand, so I can understand what I’m doing. I’m actually quite please with my progress. I’d be even more pleased if I didn’t keep changing my mind about colours and fonts and then screwing up the code when I go back and change things. *sigh*

My other reason for not getting more done is my scorching love affair with George. George is the name I gave to my brand new Kindle (remember the Looney Tunes cartoon where the Abominable Snowman tries to adopt Bugs Bunny? "I'm gonna love him, and hug him, and pet him, and call him George!").

George has a bit of a story behind him and I’d like to take a moment to share it with you. I was having a bad week last week, compounded by the dismally grey weather we’d been having. I was moping around, feeling sorry for myself, when there was a knock on the door. It was a UPS man who had a package for me from Amazon. Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and there lay a much coveted Kindle. After picking my jaw up off the floor I read the note with it and discovered it was from my insanely generous friend Jamie. Anyway, before I get all gushy again, I spent considerable time over the last few days feeding George a bunch of free books from Amazon, Baen Books, and Project Gutenberg.

This Week’s Schedule:

Tuesday: This week’s wonder of the ancient world is the Lighthouse at Alexandria.

Wednesday: Another Hunk for your view pleasure.

Thursday: The poetry form of the week is the Rictameter.

Friday: Chapter 23 of Fire. Things are heating up, literally. However will Rayne help Pyre contain his fire??

Elsewhere in my week:

Tuesday I have a business seminar in the morning and in the evening there’s a poet performance of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayam that I’d like to attend.

I actually made progress on my website last week and I’d like to keep up the momentum. So, working on the website is one of my priorities.

I have a three day a week posting schedule worked out for my other blog finally. Mondays will be completely random – rants, info, whatever tickles my fancy; Wednesdays will be a brand new serial that will not be set in space; and Saturdays will be Grappling With Grammar. Don’t forget to check it out from time to time.

I’ve started editing Space Opera (my first on-line serial, for those of you who are new) and that will be moving up on my priority list, as well as new words for a half-finished draft called The Perfect Man.

Oh, and something else I want to do this week is take new pictures for my website.

Looks like I’ve got a busy week ahead of me. How about you? What will you be up to?

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