Triquint is a verse form invented by Sylvia A. Feeley. It consists of 3 verses, 5 lines each. It has a strict syllable count and rhyme scheme.
Lines 3 and 4 of verse 1 repeat in verses 2 and 3 as a refrain. The syllable count for each stanza is 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 and the rhyme scheme is aaAAb (the capital letters refer to the repeated lines). The last word in lines 1,2,3,4 of each verse rhyme and line 5 of each verse rhymes.
Verse One
Line 1 xxxxxxxxa
Line 2 xxxxxxa
Line 3 xxxxA
Line 4 xxA
Line 5 B
Verse Two
Line 1 xxxxxxxxa
Line 2 xxxxxxa
Line 3 xxxxA
Line 4 xxA
Line 5 B
Verse Three
Line 1 xxxxxxxxa
Line 2 xxxxxxa
Line 3 xxxxA
Line 4 xxA
Line 5 B
I have to admit, this was a little harder than I’d anticipated. It’s almost mono-rhymed, except for the last word of each verse, and the syllable count was annoying – I kept wanting to write even numbered lines. However, I persevered and if my examples don’t exactly flow the way I’d like them to, at least they adhere to the rules. :-)
Dark Thoughts
I would not have chosen this design
In my wish to be aligned
Darkness of the mind
Makes one blind
I have never been more disinclined
To follow meekly behind
Darkness of the mind
Makes one blind
Though dream and sorrow have been unkind
Wisdom now is redefined
Darkness of the mind
Makes one blind
Chasing the Muse
Door of my mind has been left ajar
No more wishing on a star
It never seems far
Spirit jar
We’re living our lives as souls that are
In flux, longing so bizarre
It never seems far
Spirit jar
The dreams that we have come from afar
Thoughts flee with an au revoir
It never seems far
Spirit jar
those are great! i like the descent of vowels and rhyme scheme, but it is a challenge. i will try it out =)