
Jul 4, 2011

Metemptosis Monday

metemptosis ~ omission of day from calendar to correct lunar calendar

Happy Independence Day to all my American friends!

Wow, I didn’t have just a long weekend, it was a really long weekend! It felt like a week long, at least! Lots of celebrating, lots of relatives and let’s not forget the cleaning, the cooking, and the walking!

I finally figured out the secret to getting up early – I have to get right up and do something, like go for a walk. Of course a couple of those times I got home and had a nap, but it’s still progress. :-)

I got some blog reading/commenting in last week. Not as much as I’d have liked but I have a really long list of blogs in my favourites!

I almost forgot that I’d signed up for the Loving the Language Blogfest last week, but I got my post up just short of the deadline. You can read my offering HERE.

I’m happy to report that I walked six out of seven days last week and I walked twice one day and I walked for about 3 hours yesterday, so I figure that’s as good as walking all seven, maybe even eight. Of course it helped that the weather co-operated. The only rain we got was at night.

Be still my heart! I have got some of my own music on my iPod. I haven’t braved the iTunes store yet, but according to my iPod I have 157 songs so far. It’s another one of those cases where something looks harder than it is. :-)

I didn’t write down a schedule of stuff to do last week, but I mentally allotted certain times for certain tasks. I’m most productive in the morning, so I used my mornings for writing. After lunch I worked on transcriptions for the living history project. Late afternoon I worked on editing An Elemental Wind. And evenings I could play/socialize on the internet.

I did not get any chapters ahead in Fire, but I wasn’t up until the wee hours writing the instalment, so I consider that progress.

And even as busy as I was over the holiday weekend, I still managed to finish the first round of edits on An Elemental Wind. Woo hoo! I was dying to start making the changes on the computer on Sunday, but I’d promised a friend I’d walk to the waterfront festival at the harbour with her so that took up the better part of my day. (more walking!)

This Week’s Schedule:

Tuesday: Part VI of the Seven Wonders of the Medieval World is the Hagia Sophia.

Wednesday: A special treat for my U.S. friends.

Thursday: This week will feature the Dizain.

Friday: Chapter 31 of Fire. Who’s the woman questioning Pyre?

Random Thoughts

Today: Not really a rant. I’m discussing my editing process. With pictures!

Wednesday: Chapter 8 of my on-line serial Shades of Errol Flynn. What was the pendant doing in the box?

Saturday: Grappling With Grammar – the Apostrophe

Elsewhere in my week:

Start typing in the changes for An Elemental Wind.

Find something new to edit.

New words for the Perfect Man, I story I started quite a while back and then . . . well, nothing.

I’m not even going to bother suggesting I try and get ahead in Fire. If it happens, great, but I’ll be content if I just get the weekly instalment done the day before.

Oh, yeah, maybe it’s time to brush off my website and start thinking about working on it like I’ve been saying I’m going to. ;-)

I keep thinking today is a holiday too – well, I guess it is for you Americans, but not for us Canadians. So this being the first Monday of the month I’m pretty sure there’s a Scribes meeting tonight. Guess I’d better check into that. :-)

So how did you spend your holiday weekend? Was it busy? Relaxing? Did you do anything special? Inquiring minds want to know!

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