
Aug 8, 2011

Malabathrum Monday

malabathrum ~ dried leaf used in ancient times to make perfumed ointments

Last week was . . . strange. I think I slept more than anything else, but I still managed a respectable level of productivity.

Just when I thought it was safe to climb down off that fence I was sitting on in regards to what WIP I should work on, I got a SNI (Shiny New Idea). It’s actually pulling together a couple of old ideas I had, but in an interesting way. At the very least I’ll have to take the time tor write it down.

For anyone who’s keeping track, I’m now up to level 683 on MSN Patchworkz! I’m starting to slow down, which can only be a good thing. LOL

I downloaded Calibre so I could convert a bunch of e-books that were in the wrong format for reading on George. And of course once they were converted I just had to read a bunch of them. :-)

I had a blog catch-up day on Monday where I managed to read a lot of my favourite blogs to visit and even comment on most of them. It felt really good, but it was also really time consuming. How do you all keep up with the blogs you follow?

This Week’s Schedule:

Tuesday: Part four of The Seven Wonders of the Industrial World. This week’s wonder is the London Sewerage System.

Wednesday: Another hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday: This week’s poetry form is the Arabic Urjuzah (Rajaz metre).

Friday: Chapter 36 of Fire. If these people have a plan for rescuing the children from Dr. Arjun I wish they’d let me in on it! ;-)

Random Thoughts

Today: Oops, I did it again. I’m giving you something humorous instead of something ranty. I promise to be properly cranky next week, for sure! :-D

Wednesday: Chapter 13 of my on-line serial Shades of Errol Flynn. So what happened to Jessica? Did Howard’s experiment work?

Saturday: Grappling With Grammar – a Punctuation Cheat Sheet.

Elsewhere in my week:

I have a dilemma when it comes to choosing poems for my chapbooks. For the first one it’s going to be all about forms. My dilemma is, should I go with familiar forms or unusual forms? Familiar forms would be carried by the strength of my example, but unusual forms would tend to be carried by the form itself. So, do I want to showcase my poetry or the forms?

Back to walking this week, rain or shine. I was a real slacker last week in the walking department and must rectify this. It might be easier if it was a little cooler outside, but I go early enough in the morning that that’s really not a legitimate excuse.

I got An Elemental Wind back from my last reader who, for some strange reason, only had good things to say about it. In fact, my other readers agreed with her. This means I have some corrections to make, a very few changes to make, and then I’ll have to . . . do something with it. *sigh* Like . . . send it out into the world as a finished novel. Scary stuff!

And that’s pretty much it for my week. How about you? How's your summer going?


  1. i love your monday words, you have an endless supply!

  2. It's not an endless supply, but the list is pretty long. ;-)
