
Sep 26, 2011

Macaronic Monday

macaronic ~ muddled or mixed-up

Coming September 30

Nakeisha Windsinger has been chosen to represent her planet to the Pan-Galactic Council of Worlds. She and her mentor, the Ilezie E.Z., must travel in secret to avoid their enemies, but when her mentor is killed, she loses control of her element, the wind, as she takes vengeance on those responsible.

In doing so, she crosses paths with the crew of the Burning Comet, a ship with a secret mission of its own. A reluctant guest, Nakeisha struggles to control her element, a task made more difficult as she fights her growing attraction to the ship’s navigator, Chaney.

As their enemies close in, Nakeisha and Chaney spin a fragile web of trust between them, finding that fate has a way of interfering when you least expect it and love can destroy - or rebuild - worlds.

The cover art is by Heidi Sutherlin of Creative Pursuits. Isn't it gorgeous?

If you can’t wait until Friday, you can buy an advance copy directly from Brazen Snake Books. And while you’re there, take a minute to check out some of the other books that are available.

There’s still time to get your flash fiction in to Jamie DeBree at Rattles. Heidi Sutherlin has provided an intriguing picture for the prompt. The challenge is open to all comers to write a story between 800 and 1,000 words using the picture as inspiration. The best stories will have a chance to receive $25 and a chance of publication. Submissions are open until midnight, September 30. You don’t want to miss out!

What’s Up This Week:

Tuesday: Part three of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World is Harbour of Rio de Janeiro.

Wednesday: Another hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday: This week’s poetry form is another Spanish form, the Cuaderna Via.

Friday: Chapter 43 of Fire.

Random Thoughts

Today’s Rant: Parking.

Wednesday: Chapter 20 of my on-line serial Shades of Errol Flynn. Thank God the boots were saved!

No grammar this week. To be honest, I’ve run out of ideas for it. I have other ideas for an end of the week post, but they’re still percolating.

This week I’ll also be busy with:

I’ve been promised a story to edit this week and I’m looking forward to it. Is it weird that I find editing relaxing?

And speaking of stories . . . I want to get my offering to the Rattles flash prompt finished.

Work has been progressing steadily on the transcribing and I need to polish up a couple of these interviews to submit them to the client to make sure they like the format. If they like them I’ll be continuing with more transcribing. If they don’t, I’ll be making changes before continuing with the transcribing. :-)

Now that my book is out there I have some red tape to wade through for tax purposes. I always knew in theory that actually writing a book is the easy part, now I’m finding out just how true that is in practice.

Over the weekend I did something that is guaranteed to make me more productive. I put up the cork board in my office. Now I just have to start tacking up notes about stuff that needs to be done.

There’s a bunch of other stuff I need to get done this week, but honestly I’m too tired to remember what. As I write this post it’s 1 a.m. and I have to get up at 6:30 a.m. and there’ll be no chance for napping tomorrow ‘cause I need to take my son-in-law to an appointment in the morning, and my other in-laws to Toronto in the afternoon.

No rest for the wicked! ;-)

So how about you? Anything coming up that you’d like to share?

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