
Sep 19, 2011

Mulm Monday

mulm ~ organic sediment at bottom of an aquarium

Last week was both busy and productive.

First and foremost, did you see my book cover on Friday? Isn’t it gorgeous? Heidi Sutherlin is amazing! If you missed my cover, you can still catch a glimpse on Brazen Snake Books and you can download the first three chapters of An Elemental Wind for free. And while you’re there, take a look at the other books available. I promise, you won’t be sorry!

I had a wicked bad toothache Monday, so I only stopped in at the Scribe’s meeting long enough to drop off some handouts and a quick PowerPoint presentation about NaNo. There are only two of us in the group that have done NaNo and we’d like company this year. :-)

The ISBN for my poetry chapbook arrived Wednesday, just before I was spirited away by a friend for a road trip so I didn’t get started on printing my chapbooks until Wednesday evening. Between paper jams and empty toner cartridges, my laser printer and I are no longer on speaking terms. However, despite many setbacks, I had my chapbooks done in time for my reading, which went very well.

I am still managing to keep abreast of my e-mails . . . mostly.

Did not get any brochures printed out – see above paragraph about running out of toner. At the price of the cartridges for the laser printer, it’d be just as cheap to buy a whole new printer – maybe even cheaper.

This Week’s Schedule:

Tuesday: Part two of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World is the Great Barrier Reef.

Wednesday: Another hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday: This week’s poetry form is the Wayra. Yes, I know it was supposed to be last week’s form, but I presented my own form instead.

Friday: Chapter 42 of Fire. So, E.Z. has a plan, does he?

Random Thoughts

Today’s Rant: Under Where?

Wednesday: Chapter 19 of my on-line serial Shades of Errol Flynn. Do you think Jessica’s finally going to get up out of bed?

Saturday: This week’s Grappling With Grammar is Spelling.

Elsewhere in my week:

There’s still time to get your flash fiction in to Jamie DeBree at Rattles. The amazing Heidi Sutherlin of Creative Pursuits has provided an intriguing picture prompt. The challenge is open to all comers to write a story between 800 and 1,000 words using the picture as inspiration. The best stories will have a chance to receive $25 and a chance of publication. You don’t want to miss out!

Tuesday I have a poetry meeting, which is always a good time.

I spent quite a bite of time on Sunday shovelling off my desk and generally going around the house to get rid of some of the clutter. I think I’m going to dedicate a couple of hours each day to getting rid of more clutter. I really am way too attached to all my “stuff”. And most of it is pretty useless stuff at that. Time to start purging. At the very least I’d like to shovel off the table in my work room.

Now that the poetry madness is over with, I need to get back to work on the transcriptions for the Living History project. The interviews are actually a lot more interesting than I expected, which makes typing them out go quicker.

I’m between editing projects at the moment, so this would be a good time to get a few instalments ahead on my serials. At the very least I’d like to get a bunch of entries to Wynne’s Journal done for Fire.

Over the weekend I started getting a few ideas for the next book in the Elemental series – Water. It will start out by overlapping the end of Fire, but of course from the Water Elemental’s point of view.

Write a letter to my sister. I’ve owed her one for month and she’s expecting it to be waiting for her when she gets home on the 28th.

Do an album on Facebook of the pictures I took during my road trip last week.

I think that’s enough for me for one week, how about you?

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