
Nov 14, 2011

Meiosis Monday

meiosis ~ understatement of size or importance for rhetorical effect

The big news for last week was that: I haz books! I had a nice big box of books delivered to me on Friday, and they all have my name on them. :-)

Last week started out strong, but kind of petered out by the end. In fact, starting on Friday I had the most unproductive weekend I’ve had in ages. There is serious question of me finishing NaNo this year.

Made it to the Scribes meeting on Monday and to be perfectly honest, my time would have been better spent at home writing. There were only five of us there, only four of whom actually participated (the moderator/leader never participates in the prompt writing). The reading of our flash pieces took maybe fifteen minutes. The rest of the time was spent discussing current news and a particular newspaper columnist.

Thursday several poets from my poetry group were invited to one of the local highschools to give a talk on poetry. This was the second time I’ve participated in this. It was a lot of fun, the kids are really great. I read my Blitz poem, which they enjoyed, and left handouts for the teacher so they could give it a try themselves.

Despite finally finding a name for my villain (thank you Jamie and Heidi!) I have fallen woefully behind in NaNo. More about that in tomorrow’s post.

I took a break on Saturday and read Holly Lisle’s romantic suspense Night Echoes. It was the perfect book to read on a grey and miserable day/evening.

What’s On For This Week:

Tuesday: the NaNoWriMo report for Day Fifteen.

Wednesday: Another hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Friday: Chapter 49 of Fire. Looks like the mountain is about to blow and they’re cut off. Now what are they going to do?

Random Thoughts

Monday: Part 3 of the parts of speech. This week it’s the Adjective.

Wednesday: Chapter 27 of Shades of Errol Flynn. So, will Jessica be able to help Ewan?

Friday: A another excerpt from my NaNo novel. If you missed the first one, you can catch it HERE and the second one HERE.

Also this week:

There’s a new prompt up over at Rattles Flash Fiction. You have until midnight (mountain time) on November 30 to come up with your thousand words for The Old Sofa. At the Water’s Edge is available through Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, , Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble. You can also still find In A Dark Place at Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.

At the top of my list for this week is finishing a letter to my sister. It’s a good thing she’s patient ‘cause I’ve owed it to her for a very long time. Yes, we do e-mail each other, but she made me promise when she first got her hotmail account that e-mail would never replace snail mail.

I need to come up with another form of exercise to supplement the walking. I freely admit I have been slacking off on the walking the last couple of weeks, and not just because the weather’s been bad. I have a couple of DVDs on yoga I might try, or there’s always working with weights. And no, I’m not talking about pumping iron! I’m talking about body sculpting with hand weights.

And there you have my week ahead. What about you? What will you be up to?

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