
Nov 21, 2011

Misericord Monday

misericord ~ ledge in church to lean against while standing; forgiveness or mercy

I gotta tell you. November has really been kicking my ass.

I’m still behind in my NaNo, but the rest of my writing and whatnot is going well. In fact, I even got my serial posts done in a timely fashion last week. I just wish I knew why I couldn’t get that to happen the rest of the year.

I was so proud of myself for getting last week’s NaNo report written ahead of time that when it came time to posting it I forgot all about the NaNocats to illustrate it! I even had them all picked out and sitting in my folder. I’ll try not to forget them this week.

People all around me are enjoying colder temperatures and in some cases even snow! Here in my little corner of the world it’s been unseasonably mild. So mild, in fact, I noticed dandelions coming up in the park I cut across on my way home from the post office last week. They were also putting up Christmas lights in the town park that day, which seemed so wrong when I’m walking along carrying my spring coat because it was too warm to wear it.

Environment Canada has been promising a cold and nasty winter, so in anticipation of that I changed to flannel sheets on the bed. AND a warmer blanket. Now I’m way too warm at night, even with the window in the bedroom open. *sigh*

We went to a family Christmas dinner on Saturday. It was for my mother-in-law’s side of the family. Originally there were nine siblings, but now it’s down to only three of them. Representatives from each of the extended families were invited and I believe the total headcount was twenty-four.

I read a couple of more books during the week, trying to use the reward system to get more words out for my NaNo. I don’t know how effective it was for upping my word count, but I did enjoy the books immensely!

What’s On For This Week:

Tuesday: the NaNoWriMo report for Day Twenty-Two.

Wednesday: Another hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Friday: Chapter 50 of Fire. Will the three elementals be able to stop the lava in time for the rescue?

Random Thoughts

Monday: Part 4 of the parts of speech. This week it’s the Adverb.

Wednesday: Chapter 28 of Shades of Errol Flynn. Yes, I know some of you aren’t happy with last week’s reveal about Alexandre’s sexual orientation, but it’s necessary to the plot. Trust me.

Friday: Another excerpt from my NaNo novel. If you missed the first three, you can catch week one’s HERE, week two’s HERE, and week three’s HERE.

Also this week:

There’s a new prompt up over at Rattles Flash Fiction. You have until midnight (mountain time) on November 30 to come up with your thousand words for The Old Sofa. Don't be shy, send in your stories today!

The latest Rattles anthology, At the Water’s Edge, is available through Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, , Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble. You can also still find In A Dark Place at Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble.

I have a Scribe’s meeting tonight, but I suspect I’m not going to make it. We’ll see how many words I get done for NaNo today. If the writing’s not going well, then I can’t justify the time spent away from writing. On the other hand, if the writing’s going well, I might not want to break my momentum.

There’s a poetry group meeting tomorrow night that has a better chance of seeing me, but again, it depends on how the NaNo is going. At one point last week I was behind by 7,000 words and although I’ve been catching up, I still have a ways to go.

Guess since I’ve been reading books I should think about updating my Goodreads before I forget which books I read and how awesome they were. :-)

There’s lots of little stuff to be done this week too, but I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it. :-)

So there you have it. My week ahead. What’s in store for you?

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