
Dec 19, 2011

Miscellanarian Monday

miscellanarian ~ writer of miscellanies

Well, the tree is up and I even managed to decorate it. I’m finding it real hard to get into the Christmas spirit, what with all the rain we’ve been having lately. Twice last week I wore my spring coat for my morning walk. I’ve pretty much given up on a white Christmas this year.

Managed to get all of my out of town presents in the mail last week. I suspect a couple of them will be a tad late, but it couldn’t be helped. Anyway, better late than never, right?

Didn’t get nearly as much writing and editing done as I’d have liked to last week. It was just one of those weeks . . . Not only did the grey, dismal, rainy weather depress the hell out of me, I ended up with a series of migraines. ‘Tis the season. *sigh*

What’s On For This Week:

Tuesday: As I write this (late Sunday night) I’ve got nothing. If I figure something out by Tuesday, I’ll post it. If I don’t, I won’t. :-)

Wednesday: Another Christmasy hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday: Tis the season . . . for more Christmas music!

Friday: Chapter 54 of Fire. This is the end. However, the chapter ran a little long so part one is Friday and part two is Saturday.

Random Thoughts

Monday: Part 8 of the parts of speech. This final part is the Interjection.

Wednesday: Chapter 32 of Shades of Errol Flynn. Uh,oh. What did Jessica do now? :-)

Friday: More Christmas music to get you in the holiday spirit.

Also this week:

The new prompt is still up over at Rattles Flash Fiction. The deadline has been extended to January 13th so you have plenty of time to come up with your thousand words for The Old Sofa.

The previous two anthologies are now available in print as well as e-format. At the Water’s Edge is available through Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, , Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble. As well, you can find In A Dark Place at Brazen Snake Books, Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes & Noble. The electronic version is only .99 cents while the print version is only $5.99 (+1.25 shipping & handling). Pick up your copies today!

I have a poetry group meeting tomorrow night, and I’m determined not to miss it. If I get my gingerbread made today then I might even bring a little treat with me. If not, they’ll only get a poem. :-)

I really need to update my Goodreads soon. The books I’ve finished are starting to stack up.

I’m not doing a lot of baking for Christmas this year, just some gingerbread and the kid requested pinwheel cookies (which are a pain in the butt to make). And I’ll have to do peanut butter squares for my sister. And if I do them for her, I’ll have to do them for the hubby as well. Maybe I’ll give shortbread another try as well. I haven’t tried any since I got my new oven (several years ago) so maybe that will make a difference. I remember my mother’s shortbread – it was so white, and light and fluffy . . . Mine turn out flat and greasy, no matter how many recipes I try. And trust me, I’ve tried out just about every recipe there is.

I started catching up my journal on the weekend and I’d like to finish catching up and then start making entries on a regular basis. If nothing else, it makes it much easier to write snail mail letters to my sister.

On the 21st, I will have a guest post up on Writer Revealed. The lovely Dolly Garland has a really cool series on Bookshelf Snooping. In fact, you don’t have to wait until the 21st, check it out ahead of time to see what the other participants are reading. And you don’t want to miss her post on Blog Commenting either.

And that’s about all I can think of for my week. How about you? Are you ready for Christmas?

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