
Jul 30, 2012

Metempsychosis Monday

metempsychosis passing of soul after death into another body

Do you realize that the summer's half over? Seriously! Wednesday is August first. How did that happen?

We got a day of the rain we'd been promised for the last several weeks and the lawns are making a valiant effort at greening up again. However, it was only one day and I saw today there's a campfire ban on again. We're supposed to get some more rain this week, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Be still my heart! I got approval from the government of Canada to use a joint services badge on the covers for my veteran's project last week. By Wednesday the project was printed, bound and ready for delivery. Break out the champagne! :-)

Did you see? I got all my posts up on time last week. All of them! Including the first installment on my Cheese series, a new book review, a poetry post, and a new flash fiction. Way to go me! LOL

Unfortunately, that's about as productive as I got during the week. From about Wednesday afternoon until Saturday, I was pretty much a couch potato. I did manage to get my office cleaned up (again!) but that was about it. It wasn't even a case of "the spirit was willing but the body was weak" - the spirit was pretty meh too. It was just one of those times when I was totally unmotivated.

However, Saturday I decided enough is enough, time to suck it up. So I decided to work from my office for the day. It was a pretty productive day too, I'm pleased to say. Sunday was not quite as productive, however I did have my in-laws over for dinner, and that necessitated cleaning up the house, planning and cooking a big dinner, and baking a fancy cake (it was my father in law's birthday) for dessert. And let's not forget the socializing.

So over all, the weekend was pretty good and it gives me hope for getting things done this week. The secret is to write in my office instead of attempting to write in the living room where the easy chair makes me slack off. Yes, that's right, I'm blaming my recliner for leading me into gaming temptation. :-)

This week I'd like to get my posts done ahead of time so I'm not having to stay up so late to finish them. I'm also going to be working on one of my un-serialized manuscripts which needs about 20,000 words added to it before I can call it done.

Another thing on my to-do list is to work on getting my business re-organized and come up with the rates list for the new services I'll be offering so the website can go live. Or if not live, then at least go somewhere on the internet where people can find it.

And my "to be read" pile is starting to stack up, so I need to make some time to read. Gee, now there's a hardship, having to read. So many books, so little time! I'm reading three right now - Denise Grover Swank's Chosen; Twelve Poets; I'll Be Yours For Christmas, by Samantha Hunter; and Gifts of the Crow. I guess that's four books on the go, isn't it? ;-)

What’s Up This Week: The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.

Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting my second installment of Cheeses of the World. On Random Writings I will be doing a new book review.

Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Sixty-two of Shades of Errol Flynn. I'm wondering what the wizards have been up to lately? On Random Thoughts there’ll be a hunk and a hussy for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday we have Chapter Twenty-seven of Water (on Random Thoughts) where I think we'll see if Ravi gets caught visiting Nereida.

Friday As far as poetry goes for Random Writings I'll probably be doing another re-post of something you might have missed. I've got a few poems on the go, but nothing finished yet. On Random Thoughts we'll see if I'm up for another new flash fiction.

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