
Oct 8, 2012

Matriherital Monday

matriherital ~ of, like or pertaining to inheritance along the female line

First off, to all my fellow Canadians, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

That's right all you Yanks. Canada is smart enough to have its Thanksgiving in October, where it belongs, instead of smack dab in the middle of NaNoWriMo. ;-)

Anybody besides me even thinking about NaNo yet? For those of you who are new and don't know what I'm talking about, go HERE. The last couple of years I've sworn I wasn't going to bother, but as November first approached I'd cave every time. This will be my seventh year participating and this year I talked some of the members of my writer's group into it AND I talked our local library into hosting a couple of write-ins. So I guess I'm pretty much committed.

Last week was kind of a strange week. I had one really good day and one really bad day and the rest were kind of up and down. I missed both my poetry and flash posts completely, and although I was only a little late with the installment for Shades of Errol Flynn, I was a whole day late with Water. I guess despite my knocking on wood last week I tempted the Fates after all. :-)

The weekend was pretty much a bust, writing-wise. Saturday . . . I really have no excuse for Saturday. I pretty much indulged myself in a slacking off day. I probably had it in my mind somewhere that I could make up for lost time on Sunday, forgetting of course that we were having our Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I think of Thanksgiving dinner I think fresh. As in, no canned or frozen veggies. So my day was pretty much peeling, chopping and mashing. And then of course came the eating, and then more eating. I think the turkey I got might have been a little big for four people. Today, like Canadians everywhere, I'm suffering from a turkey hangover. ;-)

I have only one day with stuff going on this week, and that's Wednesday. A friend is stopping by for the afternoon and then I'm helping out with an info session on NaNoWriMo at the library in the early evening. So in otherwords, if I don't get things done it's my own fault. I'm adopting a positive attitude, however, and facing the week with optimism.

There will be one minor change in the blogging line-up. Sorry hubby, and all you other guys out there, but I'm discontinuing the Hussies on Wednesdays. I'm having too hard a time finding pictures that are appropriate for posting, which means I'm wasting too much time on it. So we'll be back to just the Hump Day Hunk.

What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.

Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the twelfth installment of Cheeses of the World, Mozzarella Cheese. The book review on Random Writings will be Private Parts, by Tori Carrington.

Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Seventy-two of Shades of Errol Flynn. We'll see if Jessica's friends know what they're doing or not. On Random Thoughts there’ll be a new hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-seven of Water (on Random Thoughts). I think we need to learn a little more about the woman Ravi encountered in the records room, don't you?

Friday On Random Writings I guess I'm back to square one with the poetry forms, but I'm hoping to present a new one. And I will do my best to produce a flash story for Random Thoughts. But you never know what the week may bring. :-)

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