
Oct 15, 2012

Monepic Monday

monepic ~ comprising only one word or single-word sentences

Everybody enjoy their short week last week?

My positive attitude towards last week lasted until about Wednesday, then it drowned in all the rainy weather we've been having lately. Why couldn't we have had some of this rain in the summer?

Well, I think I'm making progress. I still didn't get Friday's posts done (the flash fiction and the poetry) but at least I got the others up on time . . . for a change. I think my goal for this week will be to get those posts up on time once more, and do at least one of my Friday posts - poetry or flash fiction, it doesn't matter which.

One of my hubby's bowling friends stayed with us on the weekend, which of course meant I needed to put a little extra effort into the house cleaning. Strictly speaking I put more effort than was required, but every once in a while I like to give the kitchen a thorough cleaning. Hey, I even did windows! The picture window in the living room and the deck doors in the dining room.

I got caught up on a lot of my emailing last week. I don't know why I put off sending emails to people. I think a lot of it has to do with mood - sometimes I just don't feel like talking. And that's pretty much what sending an email (or snail mail) is like for me - I write them like I'm talking to the person. The one advantage of this is, I can talk all I want and no one interrupts. :-)

The NaNo session at the library went well. It was a small turn out, but then we didn't give people much notice.

Speaking of NaNo, they're letting us upload our book covers this year - they didn't last year. I'm trying to teach myself how to use PhotoShop so I can redesign last year's cover (which never got used) and create one for this year's novel, but so far I'm not having much luck.

I've got a bunch of short stories that need to get written, and I'm thinking the sooner the better. I want to get them done before NaNo starts. And I need to make a decision this week as to whether or not I'll be getting my poetry anthology done in time for my reading in November. It's doable, but not if I keep farting around with it. I'm back to my original idea of having it contain my darker poetry and my darker flash fiction, which will leave me with enough poetry for another anthology for the summer.

What’s Up This Week:
The schedule is up on the side bar, so I’m just giving the highlights here.

Tuesday On Random Thoughts I will be posting the thirteenth installment of Cheeses of the World, the Spanish Cheese, Roncal. The book review on Random Writings will be Blood Mountain, by J.T. Warren.

Wednesday (on Random Writings) Chapter Seventy-three of Shades of Errol Flynn. We'll see if Jessica's friends know what they're doing or not. On Random Thoughts there’ll be a new hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)

Thursday we have Chapter Thirty-eight of Water (on Random Thoughts). At this point I haven't decided if we're going to learn more about Taja through her past, or skip back to her and Ravi in the records room, so I guess we'll all be surprised.

Friday On Random Writings cross your fingers for a poetry form, and you can do the same for a flash story on Random Thoughts. But you never know what the week may bring, maybe I'll get both done. :-)

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