
Jan 21, 2013

Monody Monday

monody ~ mournful ode or poem performed by a single mourner

I finally finished cleaning out my office. Woot! Now I just have to get used to working in there again. ;-)

Okay, it's not totally finished. My desk area is so clean and organized (I even dusted!) that now I sit there and what do I see? My bookcases, which are a little messy and covered in dust and cat hair. So this week I'm going to take them one at a time (there are six of them) and do a little re-arranging so they look tidier and give them a good dusting.

My big achievement over the weekend was catching up on my email. I put off answering my emails until I could sit at my desk to do it, so a few of the people on my list had been waiting for quite a while! I think I'm down to just one left to answer. :-)

Yesterday I fully intended to lounge in bed for as long as possible in the morning, but this idea that's been rattling around in my head for the last six months or so finally came together so I had to get up to write it down. Five full length pages later, I stopped for brunch and then jotted down a few editing ideas for a book I haven't even finished writing yet.

I'm all set if we get the snow they're promising us. I have the flannel sheets on the bed and yesterday I went out and got a new pair of snow boots. The temperature was on the plus side Saturday, but a fierce Arctic wind blew in and now it's minus double digits. Dare I hope we'll be getting winter at last?

So what else have I got going on this week? Well . . . aside from putting the finishing touches on my office, I believe the next organization project on my list is the linen closet, which shouldn't be too bad. I have a poetry meeting Tuesday evening and a writer's group meeting Wednesday afternoon.

The goal (from my goals for the year) I'll be working on this week is establishing better sleeping habits. This is a really hard one. It's not going to bed early that's the killer, it's the getting up early. Bed is so warm and comfy, and getting up . . . isn't. ;-)

What I'll Be Up to This Week:

Tuesday: Here's a real surprise for you. I've decided to start a new non-fiction series, this one on the Muses. The first installment will be about the origin of the Muses.
A new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday: Chapter 50 of Water - so . . . we left Taja and Ravi kissing. And you know where that can lead!
Friday: Time for the much anticipated office transformation post. With pictures no less.

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