
Feb 25, 2013

Myrmicine Monday

myrmicine ~ of, like or pertaining to ants

Last week was as up and down as . . . the weather. While mostly last week was dull and grey, the temperature ranged from really, really cold to really, really not cold. :-) Now it's settling in to a warm spell again - this week is supposed to be on the plus side of freezing, yet they're also calling for snow later in the week.

Monday I had a really good day, writing wise. I got some editing done and I'm ahead by a couple of chapters in Water - I'm into the part that overlaps with An Elemental Fire and I have to keep checking back to make sure everything lines up right.

Then Tuesday I picked up Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward, and didn't put it down again until I had to make supper. I've had it sitting in my to-be-read pile for ages, but I had a hard time getting into it. Obviously I overcame whatever was holding me back.

Wednesday I honestly expected to get some more editing done, but I read another book instead. Hey, at least I didn't spend the whole day gaming, which is what all too often happens when we have too many gloomy days in a row.

If you saw Friday's post you'll know I mastered the Sashay scarf, and I finished knitting it on the weekend. The instructions said it's supposed to be 62" when it's done, but mine is much longer than that. So I've started another one, this time out of purple, and I'm doing the one that's wider, but shorter. If it turns out the way I think it should, I'll probably re-do the gold coloured one after.

My tiredness on Saturday (resulting in lack of constructiveness) was my own fault entirely. I knew I had to get up extra early in the morning, but I was up late Friday writing a story for the Absolute Write blog chain. If you want to read it, all you have to do is scroll down a bit. :-)

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part VI of my series about the Muses.
A new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday: Chapter 55 of Water - let's see just how badly Ravi can screw up trying to "comfort" Rayne.
Friday: At this point . . . I really have no clue at all. But rest assured, I'll post something.

Weekly Words

I did do some extra writing last week, but most of it was on Water, so I'm not sure if that counts. Technically, I didn't have to write as far ahead as I did, which makes them extra words, but they will be used in serial posts eventually . . .

And, as I've already mentioned, I wrote a story as my link in the AW blog chain. It's kind of creepy, but that's just the kind of mood I was in. It's under 1,000 words, and it was written in kind of a rush so I might add some more to it when I polish it up a bit.

So . . . While I'm pretty sure I made my 3500 word goal for the week, I don't know if it really counts. But hey, it's a step in the right direction, right?

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