
Mar 18, 2013

Morsitation Monday

morsitation ~ act of biting or gnawing

Everybody wear green yesterday for St. Patrick's Day? Eat any green food? Drink any green beer? I dressed in green from the hair clip on the top of my head to my poke-a-dot socks on my feet. I don't usually make anything green to eat, but I did have a green salad and washed it down with green tea. Does that count? :-)

Despite last week being really messed up because of a bunch of social obligations, a couple of which took more time that I would have liked, I felt like it was a productive week. At least the last part of it was. I got a crap load of editing done (none of it for myself, unfortunately) and six pages of a St. Patrick's themed short story.

Actually, I did two stories. One was 55 words for a monthly contest, and the other was intended for this month's Absolute Write blog chain. There's supposed to be an 800 word limit for the chain, and I've got about three times that already and it's only about half done. I guess there's no rush to finish it now that St. Paddy's is over, but I'll definitely have it ready to go next year.

As for my spot in the blog chain . . . well, I guess I'll just have to come up with something else. *sigh*

You may have noticed that last week's installment for Water was a little late . . . My characters went on strike or something and just wouldn't talk to me. I begged and pleaded and finally, just before bedtime, they got all chatty. If I could have stayed up another hour I could have finished it had it scheduled to post, but I had to get up early. But it didn't take long to finish it in the morning, so it all turned out well. Plus I got some really good ideas for books 4 and 5 in the series.

Craft-wise . . . I finished the red to purple Sashay scarf twice, and I can now call it done. I did it the first time in the wider stitch, which made it shorter, and it seemed a little too short. So I knitted it over again and it turned out much better at the longer length. Now that I've got the hang of it they go really fast.

I've got about six or eight inches of my navy cardigan done. I am much, much slower knitting it than I am the scarves, but I'm still pretty pleased with my progress.

It's going another busy week - one day devoted to helping a friend set up a blog, another helping someone set up their new lap top. Plus I've got a book and a novella to finish editing (neither of which are mine). Good thing that even when I don't feel like writing I'm always ready to edit. :-)

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part IX of my series about the Muses.
A new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday: Chapter 58 of Water - let's see what I can come up with this week to "interrupt" Ravi and Taja.;-)
Friday: Part four of Kids Will Be Kids.

Weekly Words

Surprise, surprise. I took the day off from editing on Sunday and got about 2,000 words done on a short (rapidly turning into a long) story. It's not the 3500 for my weekly goal, but it was only one day's worth of writing so that has to count for something.

Despite the fact the story is seasonal, I really want to get it finished ASAP. I'm trying to train myself to get my editing and things for other people done during the day, leaving the evenings for my own stuff. It's a double-edged sword though. Evenings are also when the best TV shows are on and they're just a little too distracting at times. Ideally, when there's nothing on I need to see, I should be going into my office to work. But my recliner is just so much more comfy . . . ;-)

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