
May 6, 2013

Monolith Monday

monolith ~ large single stone in form of monument, obelisk or column

The hubby and I spent the weekend in Hamilton. While he participated in a two day bowling tournament, I spent two days in Lime Ridge Mall. Shopping. :-) I was actually quite restrained this year. The first day I bought nothing except lunch. That's right, nothing. Not even so much as a mug or a t-shirt from the Disney Store. Day two was a different story.

Now, every year I give myself a little reward for completing NaNo. One year it was a NaNo travel mug, one year a t-shirt, another year a hoodie . . . A couple of years ago I'd run out of official NaNo rewards and I decided what I needed was a hat. Not just any hat, a writing hat. Specifically, an Australian walker hat. I searched high and low and could only find them online, with outrageous shipping attached to them.

However, whilst shopping on the weekend, I stopped in a shoe repair store on an errand for my daughter, and low and behold there was my hat! Just sitting there, looking all leathery and perfect. So I bought it. :-)

Friday was the annual St. Peter's Book Sale. That's the really first sign of spring around here (although truthfully the weather's been so beautiful that I think we skipped spring and went right to summer). My daughter and I were pretty restrained this year - one bag of books each. My top picks this year were a hardback edition of The Stand, by Stephen King (to replace my paperback that's falling apart), and a book on herbal gardening. I picked up a couple of Maeve Binchy books for a friend, and one of my other "finds" was a children's non-fiction book on the middle ages which I thought might come in handy for research. There were a few regular novels as well, and a couple of older fairy tale books to add to my collection.

Out of necessity, I spent a lot of time organizing my electronic document files. Okay, I confess. It was mainly so I could find the file for the next book I'm going to work on. I found the file and read it . . . It's 75,000 words so far, which makes it longer that Magical Misfire. The first 150 pages will only need regular editing. The next 75 pages, however, are going to need a lot more than that. So then I pulled out another of my almost finished books and I'm currently reading it to see if perhaps I should work on it first.

Didn't get through my flash fiction like I said I was going to. Truth is, I plumb forgot all about it.

Poetry Month is over, which means it's time for something new on Tuesday. Do you remember my post for the AW blog chain on April Fools? I got some really nice feedback on that, and it's inspired me to start a series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: The first post in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot will be a repeat of The Fool.
A new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday: Chapter 65 of Water - if Nereida's prediction is to be believed, things will be heating up very soon for the people in the compound.
Friday: Bad luck all around for this week's Random Ramblings. From small appliances to bad hotel rooms. :-)

Other Stuff For the Week

It has occurred to me that I haven't been keeping up my Goodreads this year. While I've kept track of some of the books I've read, I'll have to guess at a few. But it's definitely something I should get on top of. I have to say though, if I give any of them a review, it probably won't be much of one, and I apologize in advance to the writers.

Today I am meeting a writing buddy in one of the coffee shops down town. Over the next few weeks we're going to check several of them out to see which one is most welcoming for writers with lap tops.

Tuesday it looks like I'll be going to Peterborough for at least part of the day with the daughter, since I wasn't able to find what she needed in Hamilton. She also needs to return a couple of things to Costco, which she can't do without my membership.

Wednesday I have a writer's meeting in the afternoon. I think our topic for discussion is transitioning between scenes, which is kind of a continuation of our discussion on scenes themselves.

And Thursday and Friday hopefully I'll get a butt load of writing done. ;-)

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