
Jun 17, 2013

Myomancy Monday

myomancy ~ divination from the movements of mice

I'm starting to see a pattern to our weather. One nice day followed by two of rain, one semi-nice day followed by one of rain, two nice days followed by two of rain . . .

Take the weekend, for instance. Saturday was beautiful, but the rain started late Saturday night and well into Sunday. It cleared up enough Sunday afternoon that we decided to have barbeque for supper, including grilling corn on the cob (a first for us). Just as we fired up the grill the clouds rolled in and it started to thunder a bit and it got cold and, well, we ended up eating inside. *sigh*

Now it's supposed to rain and maybe even thunder a bit today, but the rest of the week is supposed to be sunny and warm. I'll believe it when I see it. :-)

Not being able to count on two nice days in a row, I got some more gardening done on Saturday. This time it was the garden around our pond. I dragged my hubby to several stores to find just the right plants, and I must say it's starting to look good. It could use a few more plants and some floaters in the pond itself, but all in all I'm pretty pleased.

I was less pleased with the bush that attacked me while I was pulling weeds and planting flowers. I'm not sure exactly what this bush is - we've always thought it was a wild rose, but the flowers are really small - but it has thorns the size of javelins! It pulled my hair and put snags in my clothing and put holes in me. I wish I'd taken a picture of it before I took the hedge clippers to it, but suffice it to say I got my revenge. :-)

I made it to both my meetings last week. My poetry group meeting was a business meeting and there were some policies put in place that I'm not agreeable to. I been less and less happy with the group over the last few months - instead of a friendly group of people sharing their love of poetry it's becoming very cliquish.

The library double booked the room my writer's group usually meets in, which actually turned out all right. It was such a nice day out we went to the park instead and had a much better meeting than we would have in that stuffy little room. We decided that from now on, weather permitting, we're going to have our meetings in the park and when the weather is bad we're going to try out different coffee shops. We're done with the library and it's claustrophobic, airless little room.

I didn't get much reading done last week (although I did update my Goodreads with the books I read the week before) but I did get some knitting done. Knitting as opposed to crocheting for a change. I was getting a little tired of snowflakes and decided this was a good time to start working on my sweater instead.

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part six in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot will be The Lovers.
A new Hump Day Hunk for your viewing pleasure.
Thursday: Chapter 71 of Water. Will I tell you what made the woman scream at the end of last week's installment? Or will I tell you what's going on with Nereida instead?
Friday: With all the rain we've been getting my gardens are looking pretty good, so maybe I'll ramble about my gardens this week.

Other Stuff For the Week

Working on the business this week. I've been very neglectful in this respect and it's time to get off my lazy butt.

When I'm not doing business stuff I'll be editing and writing, writing and editing. My final round of edits on Magical Misfire are going much slower than I expected. Is it because there's so much to fix, or is it because I'm allowing myself to be distracted by too many other things? Good question. Wish I had a good answer. :-)

I finally had an idea for the genre story I was supposed to write last month for my group, and now I have another one to write that I have no idea for. This time my genre is Romance, which doesn't really fit with the spooky picture of a carousel we're using as a prompt.

For a while now I've been kicking around the idea of an anthology of my short stories. I need to go over the stories I'm going to use and print them out to give me an idea on where I stand with this project. Yeah, I know it sounds like a waste of paper, but that's just the way I work. I also like to work with a printed copy when I do my own editing. Anyone else's I can work with the electronic version, but my own has to be print.

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