
Jul 8, 2013

Magneton Monday

magneton ~ unit of the quantized magnetic moment of a particle

Everyone enjoying their summer so far? I was . . . until the weather turned seasonal, which means hot and humid. The hot I can take, but even a little humidity tends to wipe me out and it's been very humid around here lately. I keep hoping for a thunderstorm to chase the humidity away, but the weather network keeps putting it off. :-(

Daphne and Donald have still not given up entirely on the pool. In fact, I was awakened yesterday morning by loud quacking outside. Daphne was perched on the edge of the pool cheering on Donald as he was trying to drive away the interloper duck (they were on the grass). After he succeeded, he joined Daphne on the edge, at which point she jumped in the pool for her bath. She splashed water vigorously over herself, went back up onto the edge to dry off, then back in the pool for round two. After she was nice and clean they both relocated to the pond garden where they hunkered down in my flowers for a nap.

I have to tell you about a really cool thing that happened Saturday night. Around 2 a.m. we had a mysterious visitor. The hubby spotted a tall, thin silhouette on the edge of the pool, but it was so dark we really couldn't make out what it was. Before I could take a picture, it flew off into the yard, and then we could see it silhouetted in the light on the pond. We're pretty sure it was a great blue heron - probably checking the pond for frogs.

Last week . . . *sigh* I was hot. I was cranky. I was totally without motivation to get anything done. The weather sucked out my energy and left headaches in its wake. I got some editing done, but not as much as I would have liked. Although Thursday I was sent a story to work on and I edited that with a renewed sense of enthusiasm. :-)

Did not get my genre stories done for my writing group this week, nor did I work on my parody of The Raven. And I almost forgot that I promised a special hunk for my U.S. friends, so it got posted at midnight on the 4th instead of earlier in the day.

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part nine in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Hermit.
A new hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter 74 of Water. What could be worse than a volcano erupting around you? You'll have to check out this week's episode to find out.
Friday: Another mystery Ramble. In other words, once again I have no clue what I'm going to talk about.

Other Stuff For the Week

Once again I signed up for the Absolute Write Blog Chain and my turn will be coming up this week. Probably Wednesday, so don't be surprised if the hunk is delayed until later in the day. The theme for the month is the Dog Days of Summer and I have no clue what my story will be, but it's moving to the top of my priority list.

I'd like to get a least one of my two genre stories done for my writers group meeting on Wednesday. As you may recall, this whole thing was my idea to begin with and I'm the only one who hasn't been getting her stories done.

Next on the list will be working on the Raven parody, 'cause I'd really like to have it done for my reading next week.

And of course let's not forget the edits and more edits to Magical Misfire. Last week I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked, and it was mostly my own fault for not turning on the air conditioner sooner. :-)

But number one on my list will be sending the edited story back to its author - as soon as I write the email that goes with it. And since I happen to be in a chatty mood, this could take a while. :-)

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