
Jul 29, 2013

Mansuetude Monday

mansuetude ~ meekness; tameness; sweetness of temper

It's Monday again . . . already! How in heck did that happen?

Well, the good news about last week is that I was getting to bed earlier (2 a.m. as opposed to 3:30 a.m.), which resulted in me getting up earlier. The bad news is, it didn't translate into getting anything extra done.

And why not, you ask? Okay. Remember the ripple afghan I unravelled? Well, Sunday I started playing around with the pattern for the new afghan I wanted the wool for. I ended up having to watch a YouTube video before I got it right, but it's really easy when you get the hang of it. I can't talk too much about it here because it's a Christmas present, and although the person it's for rarely (if ever) reads my blog, this would be the one time she would. :-)

Suffice it to say, I like this afghan so much that I'm going to make one for myself when I have the time, only mine is going to be rainbow coloured.

I have to admit I kind of took it easy last week. We had a barbeque at the in-laws on Monday, and then Thursday I went shopping with a friend to Peterborough. I bought some mystery knitting patterns from a thrift store and was delighted when I got home that there were several sweater patterns I liked, and one book had a very simple Icelandic sweater pattern for the matching sweaters I want to knit that are also Christmas presents.

Dare I hope my luck is finally changing? *knock wood*

Blog Stuff:

Tuesday: Part eleven in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot is Justice.
A new hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter 76 of Water. Rest time is over for the group in the volcano. I wonder what's going to happen to them next?
Friday: This week's Ramble is an offshoot of last week's. Talking about changing my hair got me curious as to why we do sometimes very weird things to our hair. So I'll be researching the history of hair styling.

Other Stuff For the Week

I actually did start using the TraxTime program last week to see where my time is going. I add new projects as I need them and if I don't want to have the computer going just to keep track of what I'm doing, I can just make a note of what time I start and finish something and then add it in later.

Now, last week I promised that I was going to post the results, so here they are:
(please note that the week runs from July 21 through July 27, so anything I did yesterday will show up on next week's report)
Crafts - 18 hours and 28 minutes
Emails - 6 hours and 14 minutes
Games - 4 hours and 28 minutes
Reading - 4 hours and 30 minutes
Non-fiction - 5 hours and 33 minutes
Fiction - 3 hours and 21 minutes
Editing - 4 hours and 13 minutes

And just so you know, non-fiction includes my blog posts and journaling, although I have them separated out by project; fiction includes the installments for Water as well as any other stories I may be working on; and editing is all editing, whether it's for myself or someone else.

I'm actually surprised I didn't spend more time gaming, but the amount of time spent on crafting is no surprise at all. I started watching the first season of Vampire Diaries (that the daughter lent to me ages ago) and I was crocheting while watching. I also crochet when watching TV with the hubby at night.

I guess it's pretty obvious which aspects need improvement, eh?

Maybe next week I'll include the results of the previous week with the new week, just to see if I'm on the right track.

Oh, the things I do to keep myself honest! ;-)

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