
Jul 15, 2013

Monocerous Monday

monocerous ~ having only one horn

As I'm writing this, I'm surrounded by the dark. Okay, except for the candles on the TV set and the one on the little table beside my chair. Yes, that's right. Our power is out.

We were sitting here, minding our own business whilst watching Continuum, and all of a sudden there was this big bang from the end of the driveway. We went outside and it appears that all the houses along our side of the street and down around the circle (ten houses all told) are without power because of a blown transformer.

I have two and one half hours of battery life to go on my lap top before I'm reduced to reading books by candlelight. And don't think I won't! I've done it before. The ironic part, of course, is that except for a quick check of my email this morning I haven't been on the computer all day. Between the heat and a few health issues I was feeling dodgy today and decided since I got so much done yesterday I deserved a day of resting and reading. And wouldn't you know I was just starting to feel better when the lights went out. I just hope the power comes back on before the rising temperature makes me sick again.

Last week . . . was much better than the week before. I got my story done for the blog chain and I got my horror story done for my writers group (although it needs to be rewritten). And yesterday I got the jump start on two of my posts for this week as well as a start to a new genre story. I also got a bit of reading in - well, a lot of it today. :-)

Did everyone watch Sharknado? Even funnier than the movie was the way it seemed to take over Twitter and Facebook Thursday night. It was on the Syfy channel in the U.S. on Thursday, but on the Space channel in Canada on Friday and Saturday nights. And for those who missed out, it's on Space channel on Tuesday night too. If you're a fan of the Mega Shark movies, you don't want to miss Sharknado!

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part ten in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Wheel of Fortune.
A new hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter 75 of Water. Let's see how long it takes them to get out of the volcano. And I wonder what happened to Nereida's group?
Friday: This week's Ramble is a subject that crops up every summer. And to see what it is, you'll have to wait for Friday. :-)

Other Stuff For the Week

Busy busy week this week. I have my poetry reading on Thursday night, so I need to pick my poems and practice reading them. Will I get the Raven parody done in time? Probably not. But I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Friday my daughter and I are headed up to my sister's cottage north of Kingston. The idea is to visit for the day and then bring my sister back here for a couple of days while the rest of her family drive back to New Brunswick.

Saturday there's a family reunion/picnic that my mother-in-law and daughter organized. Hopefully the weather will be good for it. The nice part about this one is that it's within easy walking distance of home. :-)

Sunday we're off to Hamilton for dinner with my aunt who's turning 85!

And of course let's not forget the edits and more edits to Magical Misfire. Last week I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked, and it was mostly my own fault for not turning on the air conditioner sooner. I have a cover for this book, all I need is to finish the darned thing. :-)

And finally, if my poor brain and eyes get tire of all that reading and writing, I got a big ball of yarn on the weekend to start a Christmas present. All I have to do is decide on what kind of sweater I'm doing, and find a pattern.

As I'm writing this, I'm surrounded by the dark. Okay, except for the candles on the TV set and the one on the little table beside my chair. Yes, that's right. Our power is out.

We were sitting here, minding our own business whilst watching Continuum, and all of a sudden there was this big bang from the end of the driveway. We went outside and it appears that all the houses along our side of the street and down around the circle (ten houses all told) are without power because of a blown transformer.

I have two and one half hours of battery life to go on my lap top before I'm reduced to reading books by candlelight. And don't think I won't! I've done it before. The ironic part, of course, is that except for a quick check of my email this morning I haven't been on the computer all day. Between the heat and a few health issues I was feeling dodgy today and decided since I got so much done yesterday I deserved a day of resting and reading. And wouldn't you know I was just starting to feel better when the lights went out. I just hope the power comes back on before the rising temperature makes me sick again.

Last week . . . was much better than the week before. I got my story done for the blog chain and I got my horror story done for my writers group (although it needs to be rewritten). And yesterday I got the jump start on two of my posts for this week as well as a start to a new genre story. I also got a bit of reading in - well, a lot of it today. :-)

Did everyone watch Sharknado? Even funnier than the movie was the way it seemed to take over Twitter and Facebook Thursday night. It was on the Syfy channel in the U.S. on Thursday, but on the Space channel in Canada on Friday and Saturday nights. And for those who missed out, it's on Space channel on Tuesday night too. If you're a fan of the Mega Shark movies, you don't want to miss Sharknado!

Blog Stuff For the Week:

Tuesday: Part ten in my series on the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Wheel of Fortune.
A new hump day hunk for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter 75 of Water. Let's see how long it takes them to get out of the volcano. And I wonder what happened to Nereida's group?
Friday: This week's Ramble is a subject that crops up every summer. And to see what it is, you'll have to wait for Friday. :-)

Other Stuff For the Week

Busy busy week this week. I have my poetry reading on Thursday night, so I need to pick my poems and practice reading them. Will I get the Raven parody done in time? Probably not. But I'm going to give it a try anyway.

Friday my daughter and I are headed up to my sister's cottage north of Kingston. The idea is to visit for the day and then bring my sister back here for a couple of days while the rest of her family drive back to New Brunswick.

Saturday there's a family reunion/picnic that my mother-in-law and daughter organized. Hopefully the weather will be good for it. The nice part about this one is that it's within easy walking distance of home. :-)

Sunday we're off to Hamilton for dinner with my aunt who's turning 85!

And of course let's not forget the edits and more edits to Magical Misfire. Last week I didn't get as much done as I'd have liked, and it was mostly my own fault for not turning on the air conditioner sooner. I have a cover for this book, all I need is to finish the darned thing. :-)

And finally, if my poor brain and eyes get tire of all that reading and writing, I got a big ball of yarn on the weekend to start a Christmas present. All I have to do is decide on what kind of sweater I'm doing, and find a pattern.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Update: It was almost four hours before our power was restored. Fortunately we have a swimming pool and this was not our first midnight swim. It was actually kind of nice out there - we have all kinds of solar powered lights in our back yard and the stars were really beautiful.

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