
Dec 16, 2013

Macarism Monday

macarism ~ a beatitude; taking pleasure in another's joy

The good news is, my tree is up. And it even has decorations on it. AND the hubby and I did a marathon shopping spree yesterday and the Christmas shopping is pretty much done. The only presents I have left to do are the ones I'm making.

The bad news is, I still haven't started my Christmas baking and my crafts aren't finished. *sigh*

However, I only have five rows of pattern and the ribbing to do on Fair Isle sweater number two and it's done. I must have got the hang of stranding the yarn because I wasn't having to constantly stop to untangle the yarn. I'll be taking another look at the first sweater before deciding whether or not I really want to re-do the sleeves. It would mean ripping out the yoke with the Fair Isle pattern and while I'm sure I'll have the time, do I really want all that extra work? Oh, and I have over half an afghan to crochet.

Craft-wise last week . . . well, a picture paints a thousand words and this is what I got finished:

But my daughter made the sleighs and snowmen heads and some demented girl elves. And of course my kitty minions were always available to lend a paw. Usually in the dark, after I was done for the day. :-)

Blog Stuff For the Week:
Tuesday: The ninth sign of the Zodiac is Sagittarius.
Wednesday: A new pair of Christmasy hunks for your viewing pleasure. ;-)
Thursday: Chapter two of my new draft serial, Earth - book IV of the Ardraci Elementals.
Friday: Christmas is just around the corner, which means it's time for some serious Christmas music. :-)

Other Stuff
You have no idea how much I struggled with the first installment of Earth last week. LOL I kept changing my mind about where I wanted to begin. And then I had trouble with the ship Zephryn and Da'nat were in.

The good news is, I already have the next installment written. I wrote it in my head while watching Thor with one of the cats on Saturday, and later all I had to do is type it out. The really nice part about this series is how much I'm enjoying it. Which, when you think about it, is how it should be.

I'm still not really in a Christmasy mood, despite having the tree up, most of the shopping done, and listening to vast amounts of Christmas music - although I haven't broken out the big Christmas guns yet: the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. ;-)

On this week's agenda is finishing crafts, baking, and oh yeah, the edits on Water. My goal is to have Water in shape to send out to my betas by Christmas.

Ho ho ho!

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