
Jan 6, 2014

Monosy Monday

monosy ~ separation of parts normally fused

The more things change, the more things stay the same. *sigh*

Once again my weekend did not go as planned. And why (you may ask)? I don't know where I picked it up, but I'd certainly like to give it back again. Namely, a mega sinus cold. A sneezing, sniffling, eye watering, ear-hurting sinus cold. I started taking cold medicine right away so it's stayed pretty much in my sinuses, but it's wrecking havoc with my concentration and the medicine makes me really sleepy. We're talking falling asleep while watching Thor sleepy. Not cool!

Anybody besides me really happy the holidays are over with? Having the holidays fall in the middle of the week really messed with my head. The days got all jumbled in my head. It's nice to have everything back to normal.

When we went grocery shopping Friday night, I couldn't believe how bare the shelves were! Apparently everyone was stocking up on supplies because of a snow storm that was predicted for the weekend. And it wasn't just in our town, I heard people were crazy all over. The mega-storm turned out to be maybe half an inch of wet snow early Sunday morning, followed by rain Sunday night. Not the several inches of snow people were expecting. I'm reserving judgement on the snowmageddon until I see the white stuff coming down. ;-)

Blog Stuff For the Week:
Tuesday: The twelfth (and final) sign of the Zodiac is Pisces.
Wednesday: One of the changes I'm making is discontinuing the Hump Day Hunks *ducks and runs* Okay, I have a couple of good reasons for this. First of all, this blog pretty much represents me as a writer and I don't want people getting the impression I write erotica. Okay, I have written erotica, but none of it's published yet and that's not my main thing. The other reason is, quite frankly I'm getting tired of surfing for naked men. So what's going to be here instead? I was thinking I'd take a page from my friend Jamie DeBree and reserve Wednesdays for what I'm reading. Of course I wasn't even feeling up to reading on the weekend so it might be a very short post!
Thursday: Chapter five of my new draft serial, Earth - book IV of the Ardraci Elementals. I think it's time for a little action, don't you?
Friday: I really have no idea what I'm going to do here this week. Friday seems so far away.

Other Stuff
I've got editing to do. Lots and lots of editing. I really need to make up for lost time from my more or less lost weekend. The good news is my desk is cleared off and ready to go. It seems to be a tradition with me that I start off the new year by shovelling out my office, and I did that on Friday.:-)

Other than blog posts, the only writing I got done last week was finishing last year's journal, starting my new one, and writing a long over due snail mail letter to a friend overseas.

It's not surprising I got so little done last week. Even before I was struck down in my prime by another mega-death-cold, I lost one day to finishing up a couple of Christmas presents (oh, don't judge) and another to spend the day with family in Hamilton. I'd fully intended to make up for lost time over the weekend, but I've already told you how that turned out.

So up for this week is editing, writing, reading, and kicking this latest version of the mega-death cold to the curb.

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