
Feb 7, 2014

What I'm Reading

Well. How do you like them apples? I got so little reading done last week I almost forgot about this post! LOL

To tell the truth, a lot of the reading I did do was news items, blog posts, and various articles that came to me via Facebook or email. Yes, I do read something other than fiction. Oh, and I read a short story a friend wrote for the Toronto Star Short Story Contest. ;-)

Electronic Books

I didn't make any more progress on The Cobweb Bride by Vera Nazarian, but honestly, I haven't lost interest in it.

The book I couldn't remember last week is Mr. Love by Sally Mason. It's a wonderful romantic comedy and I can't wait to see how the main characters go from being joined together by lies to being in love.

I also started Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Yes, that's right. I've never read it before. Don't judge. I've only made it to chapter 4 so far and now I seem to have lost it on my Kindle. When you have close to 1500 books, it's easy to lose one. Yes, I know Kindle has a search feature. I tried it once and bad things happened. I did create a folder for books I'm currently reading on my Kindle, but apparently I failed to move P & P over to it. :-)

Tree Books

The Mammoth Book of Time Travel Romance - Twenty Stories of Timeless True Love is still sitting beside my chair. This time I didn't exactly forget about it, I just didn't get around to picking it up.


I'm about halfway through the second story in Sword and Sorceress III, so not much to report here either.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

I can remember a time when I used to read, watch TV, and carry on a conversation all at the same time and make sense of them all too. Unfortunately, those day are behind me. Now it takes a really, really riveting book for me to read while the TV is on, as it usually is in the evenings. And going to bed early to read isn't really an option either. The headboard of our bed is one of those open, wrought iron affairs that make it impossible to sit up in bed and read.

So although ideally, reading before bed is the best option for most people, it really isn't for me, as much as I'd like to. And too often when I try reading during the day I get so involved in the book that I get very little else done. There has to be a happy medium.

Where and when do you get your best reading in?

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